Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. Çulsuzlar | Going to the Dogs. Ayrinti Yayinlari, 2002. Pp. 220 + [4]. 19.5 x 13 cm. Translated by Serdar Rifat Kırkoğlu. ISBN: 975539351X. (Turkish).
Category: Going to the Dogs
Der Rabe No. 28 (Haffsman, 1990; German)
Notes on this edition:
Der Rabe: Magazin fur jede , No. 28, Zürich: Haffmans Verlag, 1990. Pp. 221 + [3]. 17.9 x 10.8 cm. ISBN: 3259100289.
Dan Kavanagh contributes “Billard um halb zwei,” an excerpt from his fourth novel Going to the Dogs. Pp. [174]-177. Translated by Willi Winkler.
Julian Barnes contributes “Schachspielen mit Arthur Koestler.” Pp. [178]-196. Translated by Leslie Giger.
Going to the Dogs | Unbound Proof (Viking, 1987; Author’s Copy)
Notes on this edition: Going to the Dogs. London: Viking, 1987.
This loose sheet, unbound uncorrected galley proof is from Julian Barnes’s personal collection. These loose proofs are printed two pages per page in landscape orientation. Pages show crop marks for future sizing.
No known bound uncorrected proof exists, making this the only known uncorrected proof in any form.
Die Duffy-Krimis | Omnibus Edition (Haffmans, 1995; German)
Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. Die Duffy-Krimis. Zürich: Haffmans, 1995. Pp. 712 [713] + [7]. 21.5 x 13.1 cm. ISBN: 3251002821. (German).
German omnibus edition of Julian Barnes’s pseudonymous crime novels written as Dan Kavanagh. The novels included are:
Duffy — translated by Willi Winkler
Schieber-City — translated by Michael Bodmer (Note: The first German publication lists the translator as Michel Bodmer)
Abblocken — translated by Verena Schröder
Vor die Hunde gehen — translated by Willi Winkler
Duffy sau os de ros | Going to the Dogs (Nemira, 2005; Romanian)
Notes on this edition: Duffy sau os de ros | Going to the Dogs. Bucharest: Nemira, 2005. Pp. 235 [236] + [4]. 17.7 x 10.4 cm. Translated by Gabriel Stoian. ISBN: 9735697645. (Romanian).
Going to the Dogs (Viking, 1987)
Notes on this edition: First edition – London: Viking, 1987. £10.95. Print run: 4000.
This particular example is uncharacteristically signed by Julian Barnes, rather than as his pseudonym Dan Kavanagh. The inscription image has been digitally modified to remove the name of the recipient.
Descriptive Bibliography:
Title Page: [thick rule] | [rule] | GOING TO THE DOGS | [rule] | [dot] DAN KAVANAGH | [rule] | VIKING
Copyright Page: VIKING | Penguin Books Ltd, 27 Wrights Lane, London W8 5TZ (Publishing and | Editorial) | and Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England (Distributed and Warehouse) | Viking Penguin Inc., 40 West 23rd Street, New York, New York 10010, | USA | Penguin Books Australia Ltd, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia | Penguin Books Canada Limited, 2801 John Street, Markham, Ontario, | Canada L3R 1B4 | Penguin Books (NZ) Ltd, 182-190 Wairau Road, Auckland 10, New | Zealand | First Published 1987 | Copyright © Dan Kavanagh, 1987 | All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved | above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored | in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form | or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, | recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book | Typeset in Linotron 202 Bembo | Typeset, printed and bound in Great Britain by | Hazell Watson & Viney Limited, | Member of the BPCC Group, | Aylesbury, Bucks | British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data | Kavanagh, Dan | Going to the dogs. | Rn : Julian Barnes I. Title | 823’.914 [F] PR6052.A6657 | ISBN: 0-670-81829-1
Collation: 21.6 x 13.5 cm. Pp. [1-10] 11-15 [16-18] 19-29 [30-32] 33-50 [51-54] 55-94 [95-98] 99-121 [122-124] 125-178 [179-182] 183-207 [208]. [1]: [Viking device]. [2]: blank. [3]: title page. [4]: copyright page. [5]: ‘to Ruth and Don’. [6]: ‘I am grateful to Mickey ‘the Grass’ Sissons for slipping | me the words of ‘The Dogs’. D.K.’. [7]: text. [8]: blank. [9]: ‘1 [dot] LIBRARY’. [10]: blank. 11-[16]: text. [17]: ‘2 [dot] DRIVEWAY’. [18]: blank. 19-[30]: text. [31]: ‘3 [dot] KITCHEN/DINING-ROOM’. [32]: blank. 33-[51]: text. [52]: blank. [53]: ‘4 [dot] BILLIARD ROOM’. [54]: blank. 55-[95]: text. [96]: blank. [97]: ‘5 [dot] GROUNDS’. [98]: blank. 99-[122]: text. [123]: ‘6 [dot] BEDROOMS’. [124]: blank. 125-[179]: text. [180]: blank. [181]: ‘7 [dot] NEIGHBOURHOOD’. [182]: blank. 183-[208]: text.
General description: Binding 22.2 x 14 cm. Dark green boards, gold lettering on spine. White endpapers. Green and yellow dust jacket lettered in black (author) and yellow (title) on upper panel and yellow and white on lower panel. Jacket photograph by David Fairman and design by Tony Green. Author biography on back flap.
Going to the Dogs (Pantheon Books, 1987)
Notes on this edition: First American edition – New York: Pantheon Books, 1987. $15.95.
Descriptive Bibliography:
Title Page: [thick rule] | [rule] | GOING TO THE DOGS | [rule] | [dot] DAN KAVANAGH | [rule] | PANTHEON BOOKS [dot] NEW YORK
Copyright Page: [Pantheon device] | First American Edition | Copyright © 1987 by Dan Kavanagh | All rights reserved under International and | Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published | in the United States by Pantheon Books, a division | of Random House, Inc., New York. | Originally published in Great Britain | by Penguin Books Ltd., London. | ISBN 0-394-56322-0 | LC 87-43056 | Manufactured in the United States of America
Collation: 21 x 13.9 cm. Pp. [1-10] 11-15 [16-18] 19-29 [30-32] 33-50 [51-54] 55-94 [95-98] 99-121 [122-124] 125-178 [179-182] 183-207 [208]. [1]: ‘[thick rule] | [rule] | GOING TO THE DOGS | [rule] | [dot] DAN KAVANAGH | [rule]’. [2]: ‘Other books by Dan Kavanagh | Duffy | Fiddle City’. [3]: title page. [4]: copyright page. [5]: ‘to Ruth and Don’. [6]: ‘I am grateful to Mickey ‘the Grass’ Sissons for slipping | me the words of ‘The Dogs’. D.K.’. [7]: text. [8]: blank. [9]: ‘1 [dot] LIBRARY’. [10]: blank. 11-[16]: text. [17]: ‘2 [dot] DRIVEWAY’. [18]: blank. 19-[30]: text. [31]: ‘3 [dot] KITCHEN/DINING-ROOM’. [32]: blank. 33-[51]: text. [52]: blank. [53]: ‘4 [dot] BILLIARD ROOM’. [54]: blank. 55-[95]: text. [96]: blank. [97]: ‘5 [dot] GROUNDS’. [98]: blank. 99-[122]: text. [123]: ‘6 [dot] BEDROOMS’. [124]: blank. 125-[179]: text. [180]: blank. [181]: ‘7 [dot] NEIGHBOURHOOD’. [182]: blank. 183-[208]: text.
General description: Binding 21.5 x 14.3 cm. White boards, black quarter binding silver blocked on spine. White endpapers. White dust jacket lettered in black, white, and peach with a color illustration of a dog and a broken window. Flaps colored black with white lettering. Jacket illustration by John Martinez and design by Louise Fili. Author biography on back flap.
Going to the Dogs (Penguin Books, 1988)
Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. Going to the Dogs. London: Penguin Books, 1988. Pp. 207 [208]. 18 x 11 cm. ISBN: 0140103376.
Julian Barnes’s fourth novel published under the pseudonym Dan Kavanagh. First U.K. paperback edition following the publication of the first hardback edition by Viking in 1987.
Going to the Dogs (Perennial Library, 1989)
Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. Going to the Dogs. New York: Perennial Library, 1989. Pp. 207 [208]. 17.7 x 10.4 cm. ISBN: 0060809531.
American paperback edition with “A PERENNIAL BRITISH MYSTERY” noted on the front cover.
Going to the Dogs (Orion Books, 2015; Hardback)
Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. Going to the Dogs. London: Orion Books, 2015. Pp. 229 + [1]. 22.2 x 14 cm. ISBN: 9781409150268.
Orion Books republished all four Dan Kavanagh novels in hardback and paperback. This is the first Orion hardback edition of the fourth Kavanagh novel Going to the Dogs, originally published by Viking (1987).