Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Elizabeth Finch. London: Vintage, 2023. Pp. 178 [179] + [7]. 19.7 x 12.9 cm. ISBN: 9781529116076.
First UK paperback edition. Also featured is a promotional bookmark for the novel.
An online collection of books and ephemera
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Elizabeth Finch. London: Vintage, 2023. Pp. 178 [179] + [7]. 19.7 x 12.9 cm. ISBN: 9781529116076.
First UK paperback edition. Also featured is a promotional bookmark for the novel.
Notes on this edition: Charleston Festival Program published by the Charleston Trust to promote the series of events that took place from 19-29 May 2022. The promotional pamphlet is unnumbered and measures 14.8 x 10.5 cm.
On 28 May, Dame Professor Hermione Lee interviewed Julian Barnes about his novel Elizabeth Finch.
Notes on this publication: Two Julian Barnes related pieces appear in the journal Всемирная литература, no. 2, 2003. Pp. 191 [192]. 25.5 x 14 cm. (Russian).
The first is an excerpt of Before She Met Me titled “До того, как мы встретились”, Pp. [128]-156.
The second is an interview with Julian Barnes titled “Pоман — зто живая материя …”, Pp. [124]-127.
Notes about this item: Promotional magazine for Edition 5Plus (2018). Pp. 80. 25.5 x 20 cm.
The magazine features copy regarding the publication of Julian Barnes’s Kunst sehen (Keeping an Eye Open) in 2018. The promotional material for Barnes appears on Pp. 4-5.
Notes on this item: Jonathan Cape produced an unspecific but small number of cardboard cutouts featuring the linocut image of Dmitri Shostakovich holding a briefcase. The figure serves as the central cover image of Julian Barnes’s novel The Noise of Time (Jonathan Cape, 2016). The cutout stands approximately 5½ to 6 feet tall.
Notes on this edition: Jonathan Cape Book Catalog: January 1980—July 1980. Jonathan Cape, [1979]. Pp. 48. 20.3 x 12.6 cm.
Jonathan Cape published promotional book catalogs for forthcoming publications. In this 1980 “Spring & Summer Books” catalog, the publisher features Julian Barnes’s Metroland (pp. 4) and Dan Kavanagh’s Duffy (pp. 8).
Duffy is listed under a former, potential title of Suck it and See, a phrase used repeatedly by the novel’s antagonist.
Notes on this edition: Jonathan Cape Book Catalog: August 1981—February 1982. Jonathan Cape, [1981]. Pp. 56. 21 x 14.5 cm.
Jonathan Cape published promotional book catalogs for forthcoming publications. In the “Autumn & Winter Books” catalog, the publisher features Dan Kavanagh’s novel Fiddle City on page 9.
Posy Simmonds illustrated the catalog cover.
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. The Porcupine (excerpt). New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992. Pp. 28 [29] + [1]. 23.5 x 15.5 cm.
The opening of Julian Barnes’s novel The Porcupine was produced as one of four promotional pamphlets issued in a protective slipcase. The four pamphlets include excerpts from:
Kathryn Kramer: Rattlesnake Farming
Michael Ondaatje: The English Patient
Michael Doane: City of Light
Julian Barnes: The Porcupine
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Staring at the Sun | Dust Jacket Slide Alfred A. Knopf, 1987.
This ephemeral slide depicts the dust jacket art work for the Alfred A. Knopf edition of Julian Barnes’s novel Starting at the Sun. Julian Barnes sent the slide to Rolland Comstock, noted book collector who specialized in contemporary authors. Barnes has inscribed the paper enclosing the slide and included a note dated 10 May 1996 to Comstock that reads:
“Dear Rolland:
Turning out my study I came across
this Knopf transparency for the SAS cover.
I bet you haven’t got it. I shall be dismayed
if you have. This is to assuage the guilt
I still feel at only being able to sign 48%
of your suitcase.
Hope one of your children is getting
interested in books.
Best wishes,
Julian B.”
Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. Heisse Fracht | Fiddle City. Kampa, 2021. Pp. 252 + [4]. 19 x 12 cm. Translated by Michel Bodmer. ISBN: 9783311125396. (German).
Promotional pamphlet titled “Kampa Krimi” that includes information on Dan Kavanagh’s Heisse Fracht. The pamphlet is comprised of seven sheets folded in half to make 28 total pages. 16.6 x 9.1 cm. The advertisement for Heisee Fracht appears on pp. [17].