Zanim mnie poznała | Before She Met Me (Świat Książki, 2024; Polish)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Zanim mnie poznała | Before She Met Me. Warsaw: Świat Książki Wydawnictwo, 2024. Pp. 317+ [3]. 20 x 12.4 cm. Translated by Jan Kabat. ISBN: 9788382897081. (Polish).  (Świat Książki, 2024; Polish)

“До того, как мы встретились” (Всемирная литература, 2/2003; Russian)

Notes on this publication: Two Julian Barnes related pieces appear in the journal Всемирная литература, no. 2, 2003. Pp. 191 [192]. 25.5 x 14 cm. (Russian).

The first is an excerpt of Before She Met Me titled “До того, как мы встретились”, Pp. [128]-156.

The second is an interview with Julian Barnes titled “Pоман — зто живая материя …”, Pp. [124]-127.

Než potkala mě | Before She Met Me (Odeon, 2018; Czech Book Club)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Než potkala mě | Before She Met Me. Prague: Odeon, 2018. Pp. 213 + [11]. 20.6 x 13.1 cm. Translated by Jiří Hanuš. ISBN: 9788020718327. (Czech).

Book Club edition.

她过去的爱情 | Before She Met Me (文汇出版社, 2018; Chinese)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes | 朱利安·巴恩斯. 她过去的爱情 | Before She Met Me. 文汇出版社 | Wenhui Press, 2018. Pp. 237 + [1]. 21.5 x 14.9 cm. Translated by 郭国良 (Guo Guoliang). ISBN: 9787549622085. (Simplified Chinese).

Πριν εκείνη με γνωρίσει | Before She Met Me (Metaixmio, 2013; Greek)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Πριν εκείνη με γνωρίσει | Before She Met Me. Athens: Metaixmio, 2013. Pp. 271 + [9]. 20.6 x 14.2 cm. Translated by Θωμάς Σκάσσης [Thomas Skassis]. ISBN: 9789605662486. (Greek).

Innan hon träffade mig | Before She Met Me (Bakhåll, 2020; Swedish)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Innan hon träffade mig | Before She Met Me. Bakhåll, 2020. Pp. 220 [221] + [3]. 20.8 x 13.7 cm. Translated by Andreas Vesterlund. ISBN: 9789177425342. (Swedish).

Antes de conocernos | Before She Met Me (Compactos Anagrama, 1995; Spanish)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Antes de conocernos | Before She Met Me. Barcelona: Compactos Anagrama, 1995. Pp. 201 + [7]. 18.5 x 12 cm. Translated by Agustín Tena and Luz Quintana. ISBN: 8433914448. (Spanish).

Before She Met Me (Vintage Books, 2014)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Before She Met Me. London: Vintage Books, 2014. Pp. 211 + [3]. 19.8 x 12.8 cm. ISBN: 9780099540076.

Vintage rejacketed Julian Barnes’s entire backlist of paperbacks in 2013, and Before She Met Me followed a similar design in 2014. Cover design by Suzanne Dean.

Before She Met Me (Vintage Books, 2009)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Before She Met Me. London: Vintage Books, 2009. Pp. 183 + [9]. 19.8 x 13 cm. ISBN: 9780099540076.

In 2009, Julian Barnes changed paperback publishers from Picador to Vintage Books.

Before She Met Me (Picador, 2005; Rejacketed)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Before She Met Me. London: Picador, 2005. Pp. 212 + [2]. 19.7 x 12.9 cm. ISBN: 0330300059.

Picador reset the type for this edition in 1995. They also created new cover art for this 2005 reissue. The pagination varies from the earlier Picador/Pavanne edition (1983). This is the 22nd printing.

Author photograph by Ellen Warner.