Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Elizabeth Finch. London: Jonathan Cape, 2022. 186 sheets of A4 paper (29.7 x 21 cm) printed on a single side.
Printed from a file and annotated with corrections in Julian Barnes’s hand.
An online collection of books and ephemera
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Elizabeth Finch. London: Jonathan Cape, 2022. 186 sheets of A4 paper (29.7 x 21 cm) printed on a single side.
Printed from a file and annotated with corrections in Julian Barnes’s hand.
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Evermore. Penguin, 1996. 26 sheets stapled to two (2) blue covers. 21 x 29.8 cm. Pictures by Howard Hodgkin not included in the page proofs.
Two sets of page proofs, one featuring corrections by Julian Barnes, for the Penguin edition published the same year (1996).
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. The Pedant in the Kitchen. London: Atlantic Books, 2003. Pp. 136. 29.7 x 21 cm.
Unbound galley proof of Barnes’s collection of essays on cookery. Printed on A4 paper to one side only.
Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. Fiddle City. London: Jonathan Cape, 1981. Pp. 173 + [3]. 19.2 x 13.9 cm.
This uncorrected proof is from Julian Barnes’s personal collection. Printed by “Rowland Phototypesetting”, these galley proofs are printed on one side of each sheet, two pages per page, landscape format.
Packaged in an envelope along with the author’s uncorrected page proofs for Dan Kavanagh’s Putting the Boot In.
Notes on this edition: Putting the Boot In. London: Jonathan Cape, 1985.
This unbound, loose sheet galley proof is from Julian Barnes’s personal collection. Printed on one side of each sheet, the pages show crop marks for future sizing.
Packaged in an envelope along with the author’s uncorrected page proofs for Dan Kavanagh’s Fiddle City.
Notes on this edition: England, England. London: Jonathan Cape, 1998.
This unbound, loose sheet galley proof is from Julian Barnes’s personal collection. Printed on one side of each sheet, the pages show crop marks for future sizing.
Notes on this edition: Talking It Over. London: Jonathan Cape, 1991.
This unbound, loose sheet galley proof is from Julian Barnes’s personal collection. Printed on one side of each sheet, the pages show crop marks for future sizing.
Notes on this edition: The Porcupine. London: Jonathan Cape, 1992.
This unbound, loose sheet galley proof is from Julian Barnes’s personal collection. Printed on one side of each sheet, the pages show crop marks for future sizing.
Notes on this edition: Flaubert’s Parrot. London: Jonathan Cape, 1984.
This unbound, loose sheet uncorrected galley proof is from Julian Barnes’s personal collection. Printed on one side of each sheet, two pages per page, landscape format. The unbound proof text matches the bound uncorrected proofs. The proof text is altered in places in the first hardback edition by Jonathan Cape (1984).
Notes on this edition:b Staring at the Sun. London: Jonathan Cape, 1986.
This unbound, loose sheet uncorrected galley proof is from Julian Barnes’s personal collection. Printed on one side of each sheet, two pages per page, landscape format.