A History of the World in 10½ Chapters | Unbound Proof (Jonathan Cape, 1989; Author’s Copy)

Notes on this edition: A History of the World in 10½ Chapters. London: Jonathan Cape, 1989.

This unbound, loose sheet uncorrected galley proof is from Julian Barnes’s personal collection. Printed by “Rowland Phototypesetting”, these loose proofs are printed on one side of each sheet, two pages per page, landscape format.

Jonathan Cape eventually published two separate bound proofs, the first in red and the second in white with illustrated cover. Both proofs state publication was scheduled for 22 June 1989. This proof has a date of “6th February 1989” printed to the cover sheet, which undoubtedly refers to the date the proof was printed by Rowland Phototypesetting.

Going to the Dogs | Unbound Proof (Viking, 1987; Author’s Copy)

Notes on this edition: Going to the Dogs. London: Viking, 1987.

This loose sheet, unbound uncorrected galley proof is from Julian Barnes’s personal collection. These loose proofs are printed two pages per page in landscape orientation. Pages show crop marks for future sizing.

No known bound uncorrected proof exists, making this the only known uncorrected proof in any form.

Cross Channel | Unbound Proof (Jonathan Cape, 1996; Author’s Copy)

Notes on this edition: Cross Channel. London: Jonathan Cape, 1996.

This loose, unbound sheet uncorrected galley proof is from Julian Barnes’s personal collection. Printed by “intype: input typsetting”, these loose proofs are printed on one side of each sheet and show crop marks for future sizing.

Cross Channel | Uncorrected Galley Proof (Alfred A. Knopf, 1996; Large Format)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Cross Channel. Alfred A. Knopf, 1996. 27.9 x 21.5 cm.

Marked as an “Uncorrected Proof”, this galley proof of Julian Barnes’s Cross Channel was intended for in-house use and precedes the standard uncorrected proof normally issued to reviewers. The galley features a white paper cover with black lettering. Pages are reproduced two per sheet with each text line numbered, as pictured in the example images.

Note: Full inscription has been edited for privacy.