Lives and Works: Profiles of Leading Novelists, Poets and Playwrights (Atlantic Books, 2002)

Notes on this edition: Lives and Works: Profiles of Leading Novelists, Poets and Playwrights. Edited by Annalena McAfee with portraits by Eamonn McCabe. London: Atlantic Books, 2002. Pp. 246 + [2]. 23.3 x 15.5 cm. ISBN: 1843540797.

The profile of Julian Barnes is written by Nicholas Wroe and is titled “Literature’s Mister Cool” (pp. 21-28). Wroe originally published the profile in The Guardian, 29 July 2000.

Authors included in the book include Seamus Heaney, Harold Pinter, Peter Porter, John Updike, and more.

The Pedant in the Kitchen | Unbound Galley (Atlantic Books, 2003)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. The Pedant in the Kitchen. London: Atlantic Books, 2003. Pp. 136. 29.7 x 21 cm.

Unbound galley proof of Barnes’s collection of essays on cookery. Printed on A4 paper to one side only.

The Pedant in the Kitchen (Atlantic Books, 2012)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. The Pedant in the Kitchen. London: Atlantic Books, 2012. Pp. 136 + [8]. 19.1 x 14.3 cm. ISBN: 9780857896544.

In 2012, Atlantic Books reissued Julian Barnes’s The Pedant in the Kitchen in hardback with newly designed cover art and an introduction by Mark Hix. They retained the artwork by Joe Berger throughout the edition.

Also included in this example is promotional material sent with advance copies of the book.

The Pedant in the Kitchen (Atlantic Books, 2013)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. The Pedant in the Kitchen. London: Atlantic Books, 2013. Pp. 136 + [8]. 19.8 x 13 cm. ISBN: 9781782390947. £7.99.

Reissued paperback with new cover art and an introduction by Mark Hix.

The Pedant in the Kitchen (Atlantic Books, 2003)

Notes on this edition: First editionLondon: Atlantic Books, 2003. £9.99. Print run: 15,000.

Descriptive Bibliography: 

Title Page: IN THE KITCHEN | JULIAN BARNES | [Atlantic device] | Atlantic Books | London | TheGuardian

Copyright Page: | First published in Great Britain in 2003 by Atlantic Books, | on behalf of Guardian Newspapers Ltd. | Atlantic Books is an imprint of Grove Atlantic Ltd. | Copyright © Julian Barnes 2003 | The moral right of Julian Barnes to be identified as the author | of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, | Designs and Patents Act of 1988. | The Guardian is a registered trademark of the Guardian Media Group Plc. | Guardian Books is an imprint of Guardian Newspapers Ltd. | All rights reserved. N part of this publication may be reproduced, | stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any | means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, | without the prior permission of both the copyright owner and the | above publisher of this book. | 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 | A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library | ISBN 1 84354 239 0 | Designed by Richard Marston | Illustrations by Joe Berger | Printed in Great Britain by CPI Glasgow | Grove Atlantic Ltd | Ormond House | 26—27 Boswell Street | London | WC1N 3JZ

Collation: 17.8 x 12.8 cm. Pp. [i-viii] 1-4 [5] 6-9 [10] 11-19 [20] 21-26 [27] 28-36 [37] 38-41 [42] 43-52 [53] 54-57 [58] 59-63 [64] 65-71 [72] 73-82 [83] 84-91 [92] 93-101 [102] 103-106 [107] 108-113 [114] 115-122 [123] 124-127 [128] 129-136. [i]: ‘THE PEDANT IN THE KITCHEN’. [ii]: ‘THE PEDANT’. [iii]: title page. [iv]: copyright page. [v]: ‘to She For Whom’. [vi-vii]: contents. [viii]: blank. 1-4: text. [5]: illustration. 6-9: text. [10]: illustration. 11-19: text. [20]: illustration. 21-26: text. [27]: illustration. 28-36: text. [37]: illustration. 38-41: text. [42]: illustration. 43-52: text. [53]: illustration. 54-57: text. [58]: illustration. 59-63: text. [64]: illustration. 65-71: text. [72]: illustration. 73-82: text. [83]: illustration. 84-91: text. [92]: illustration. 93-101: text. [102]: illustration. 103-106: text. [107]: illustration. 108-113: text. [114]: illustration. 115-122: text. [123]: illustration. 124-127: text. [128]: illustration. 129-136: text.

General description: Binding 18.5 x 13.7 cm. Black boards, silver blocked on spine. Red endpapers. Deep yellow dust jacket lettered in burgundy and black. Upper panel features a color illustration on of a metal spoon reflecting the image of the pedant who is holding a book in front of his face. Lower panel features a color illustration of a wooden spoon. Jacket design and illustrations by Joe Berger. Author photograph by Jillian Edelstein on back flap.


The Pedant in the Kitchen (Atlantic, 2004)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. The Pedant in the Kitchen. London: Atlantic, 2004. Pp. 136. 19.6 x  12.9 cm. ISBN: 9781843542407. Includes color illustrations by Joe Berger.

First paperback edition. The essays in this collection originally appeared in The Guardian.

Below is the third printing of the Atlantic paperback edition: