Lives and Works: Profiles of Leading Novelists, Poets and Playwrights (Atlantic Books, 2002)

Notes on this edition: Lives and Works: Profiles of Leading Novelists, Poets and Playwrights. Edited by Annalena McAfee with portraits by Eamonn McCabe. London: Atlantic Books, 2002. Pp. 246 + [2]. 23.3 x 15.5 cm. ISBN: 1843540797.

The profile of Julian Barnes is written by Nicholas Wroe and is titled “Literature’s Mister Cool” (pp. 21-28). Wroe originally published the profile in The Guardian, 29 July 2000.

Authors included in the book include Seamus Heaney, Harold Pinter, Peter Porter, John Updike, and more.

Cryptic Crossword No. 24,901 (Guardian, 7 January 2010)

Notes on this item: Cryptic Crossword No. 24,901.  The Guardian, 7 January 2010.

The crossword pictured here was completed by Julian Barnes himself prior to being sent to his bibliographer. The puzzle features numerous answers based on Julian Barnes, his writings, and his interests (e.g. Flaubert, etc.).

To complete the crossword, please visit The Guardian website:

Ford Madox Ford, France and Provenance (Rodopi, 2011)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. “Ford and Provence”. Ford Madox Ford, France and Provenance. Edited by Dominique Lemarchal and Claire Davison-Pégon. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi B.V., 2011. Pp. 297 + [23]. 22 x 15 cm. ISBN: 9789042033474.

Barnes’s essay appears on pp. 153-163. “An un-annotated version of this essay was first published in the Guardian, 21 August 2010, Review, 2-4, under the title ‘Ford Madox Ford’s passionate affair with Provence‘.”

The Bedside Guardian, 2016 (Guardian Books, 2016)

Notes on this edition: The Bedside Guardian, 2016. Edited by Claire Armitstead. London: Guardian Books, 2016. Pp. 302. 20.3 x 13.3 cm. ISBN: 9781783561247.

Julian Barnes’s essay “So we’re all Foxes now? I’ve been one for 65 years” about the Leicester City Football Club was published on pp. 177-181. Barnes’s essay was originally published in The Guardian on 6 May 2016.


The Pedant in the Kitchen (Atlantic, 2004)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. The Pedant in the Kitchen. London: Atlantic, 2004. Pp. 136. 19.6 x  12.9 cm. ISBN: 9781843542407. Includes color illustrations by Joe Berger.

First paperback edition. The essays in this collection originally appeared in The Guardian.

Below is the third printing of the Atlantic paperback edition: