Smisel konca | The Sense of an Ending (Mladinska knjiga, 2012; Slovenian)

Notes on this edition: Smisel konca | The Sense of an Ending. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 2012. Pp. 187 + [5]. 20.8 x 14.6 cm. Translated by Valerija. Cokan. ISBN: 9789610122760. (Slovenian).

Poczucie kresu | The Sense of an Ending (Świat Książki, 2012; Polish)

Note on this edition: Julian Barnes. Poczucie kresu | The Sense of an Ending. Warsaw: Świat Książki, 2012. 172 [173] + [3]. 22 x 14.2 cm. Translated by Jan Kabat. ISBN: 9788377996805. (Polish).

Reissued with new cover design in 2018.

O sentido de um fim | The Sense of an Ending (Rocco, 2012; Portuguese-Brazil)

Notes on this edition: O sentido de um fim | The Sense of an Ending. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 2012. Pp. 159 + [1]. 21 x 14 cm. Translated by Léa Viveiros de Castro. ISBN: 9788532527554. (Portuguese-Brazil).

Känslan av ett slut | The Sense of an Ending (Forum, 2012; Swedish)

Notes on this edition: Känslan av ett slut | The Sense of an Ending. Stockholm: Forum, 2012. Pp. 191 [192]. 21.1 x 13.1 cm. Translated by Mats Hörmark. ISBN: 9789137137209. (Swedish).

To view all of Julian Barnes’s books on the Forum website, please visit:

EΝΑ ΚAΠΟΙΟ ΤEΛΟΣ | The Sense of an Ending (Metaixmio, 2011; Greek)

Notes on this edition: EΝΑ ΚAΠΟΙΟ ΤEΛΟΣ | The Sense of an Ending. Athens: Metaixmio, 2011. Pp. 210 + [6]. 21.5 x 14.2 cm. Translated by Θωμάς Σκάσσης [Thomas Skassis]. ISBN: 9789602016340. (Greek).

O Sentido do Fim | The Sense of an Ending (Quetzal, 2011; Portuguese)

Notes on this edition: O Sentido do Fim | The Sense of an Ending. Lisboa: Quetzal Editores, 2011. Pp. 152 + [8]. 23.3 x 15 cm. Translated by Helena Cardoso. ISBN: 9789725649893. (Portuguese).

The copyright page of the edition below states it is the 7th edition (2012) reprinted in January 2020.

Fornemmelsen for slutten | The Sense of an Ending (Cappelen Damm, 2012; Norwegian)

Notes on this edition: Fornemmelsen for slutten | The Sense of an Ending. Oslo: Cappelen Damm, 2012. Pp. 185 [186] + [6]. 21 x 13.8 cm. Translated by John Erik Bøe Lindgren. ISBN: 9788202379988. (Norwegian).

Alsof het voorbij is | The Sense of an Ending (Atlas, 2012; Dutch)

Notes on this edition: Alsof het voorbij is | The Sense of an Ending. Amsterdam: Atlas, 2012. Pp. 158 + [2]. 21 x 13.5 cm. Translated by Ronald Vlek. ISBN: 9789045019659. (Dutch).

This is the 12th printing. The cover varies from a earlier, first printing of the same edition.

Il senso di una fine | The Sense of an Ending (Einaudi, 2013; Italian)

Notes on this edition: Il senso di una fine | The Sense of an Ending. Torino: Einaudi, 2013. Pp. 150 + [6]. 20.8 x 13.5 cm. Translated by Susanna Basso. ISBN: 9788806216160. (Italian).

Paperback edition of the Italian translation issued the year after the hardback edition (Einaudi, 2012).

Visit Einaudi’s author page for Julian Barnes here:

El sentido de un final | The Sense of an Ending (Círculo de Lectores, 2013; Spanish Book Club)

Notes on this edition: El sentido de un final | The Sense of an Ending. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, 2013. Pp. 192 [193] +[5]. 21.1 x 13.5 cm. Translated by Jaime Zulaika. ISBN: 9788467254679. (Spanish).