Arthur & George | Uncorrected Proof (Jonathan Cape, 2005)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Arthur & George. London: Jonathan Cape, 2005. Pp. 360. 23.3 x 15.5 cm.

Uncorrected proof in light green paper wraps with black text and borders.

Stated to top of the front cover, “A JONATHAN CAPE UNCORRECTED PROOF COPY” and to the bottom front, “THE NEW NOVEL | OUT JULY 2005”.

The back cover lists the Proof ISBN as 022407671X. It also lists a promotional website address that is now defunct.

Publicity sheet folded and placed in the book lists the publication date as 7 July 2005 at £17.99.

Arthur & George (Odeon, 2007; Czech)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Arthur & George. Prague: Odeon, 2007. Pp. 473 + [7]. 20.5 x 13.3 cm. Translated by Zora Wolfová. ISBN: 9788020712431. (Czech).

Arthur & George (Vintage Canada, 2006)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Arthur & George. Toronto: Vintage Canada, 2006. Pp. 430 + [6]. 20.3 x 13.2 cm. ISBN: 0679314180.

First Canadian paperback edition. The specimen pictured here shows signs of acidity to the inside covers (as shown).

The paperback edition was reprinted with the same covers and pagination. The example below is the third reprint edition with the copyright page listing the number line as “4 6 8 9 7 5”.

Arthur & George (Random House Canada, 2005)

Notes on this edition: First Canadian edition – Toronto: Random House Canada, 2005. $34.95.

Descriptive Bibliography: 

Title Page: JULIAN BARNES | Arthur & | George | [Random House device] | RANDOM HOUSE CANADA

Copyright Page: Copyright © 2005 Julian Barnes | All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. | No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical | means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing | from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review. | Published in 2005 by Random House Canada, a division of Random House of Canada Limited, | and subsequently in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf, a division of Random House, Inc., | New York. Distributed in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited. | Random House Canada and colophon are trademarks. | | Originally published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape, an imprint of the | Random House Group Limited, London. | Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication | Barnes, Julian | Arthur & George / Julian Barnes. | ISBN 0-679-31417-2 | I. Title. | II. Title: Arthur and George. | PR6052.A6657A78 2005 | 823’.914  C2005-903673-7 | Printed and bound in the United States of America | 2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3 1

Collation: 23.4 x 16.0 cm. Pp. [i-vi, 1-2] 3-46 [47-48] 49-206 [207-208] 209-322 [323-324] 325-357 [358] 359-360 [361-362]. [i]: ‘Arthur & | George’. [ii]: ‘By the same author | Fiction | METROLAND | BEFORE SHE MET ME | FLAUBERT’S PARROT | STARING AT THE SUN | A HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 10½ CHAPTERS | TALKING IT OVER | THE PORCUPINE | CROSS CHANNEL | ENGLAND, ENGLAND | LOVE, ETC | THE LEMON TABLE | Non-fiction | LETTERS FROM LONDON 1990–1995 | SOMETHING TO DECLARE | THE PEDANT IN THE KITCHEN | Translation | IN THE LAND OF PAIN by Alphonse Daudet’. [iii]: title page. [iv]: copyright page. [v]: ‘to P.K.’. [vi]: blank. [1]: ‘ONE | Beginnings’. [2]: blank. 3-46: text. [47]: ‘TWO | Beginning with an Ending’. [48]: blank. 49-206: text. [207]: ‘THREE | Ending with a Beginning’. [208]: blank. 209-322: text. [323]: ‘FOUR | Endings’. [324]: blank. 325-357: text. [358]: blank. 359-360: author’s note. [361-362]: blank.

General description: Binding 24.2 x 16.5 cm. Red-orange cloth covered boards stamped in gold to spine. White endpapers. The text block has a deckled or “uncut” fore edge.. Author photograph on back flap by Isolde Ohlbaum.

Arthur & George | Trade Paperback (Jonathan Cape, 2005)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Arthur & George. London: Jonathan Cape, 2005. Pp. 360 + [2]. 23.2 x 15.7 cm. ISBN: 0224078771 (“Trade Paperback”).

Jonathan Cape published this paperback edition with redesigned covers as part of an effort to capitalize on the novel’s selection for the Richard & Judy Book Club. Some copies also featured “Richard & Judy” stickers affixed to the front cover, as shown in the last photo above.

Unlike an earlier trade paperback (or “airport edition”), this edition features redesigned covers and a smaller text block. Note the lettering to the front cover is embossed, suggesting a stylistic connection to the embossed Jonathan Cape hardback edition. This edition provides a different ISBN number to the copyright page to distinguish it as a separate and distinct trade paperback.

Arthur & George | “Airport” Paperback (Jonathan Cape, 2005)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Arthur & George. London: Jonathan Cape, 2005. Pp. 360 + [2]. 23.2 x 15.2 cm. ISBN: 0224077821. (“Trade Paperback”).

This edition was published shortly after Jonathan Cape released the first hardback edition. While the copyright pages suggests this is a “Trade Paperback”, the intention was to capitalize on the novel’s popularity by introducing a cheaper edition to select markets, such as airports, while traditional bookstores still carried the hardback edition (i.e. prior to Jonathan Cape’s publication of the regular paperback edition later in 2005). For this reason, the paper covers replicate the Jonathan Cape hardback edition.

Title page appears identical to the hardback edition, and the copyright page states this particular specimen is a fourth printing.

Arthur e George (Rinoceronte, 2006; Galician)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Arthur e George. Cangas do Morrazo: Rinoceronte, 2006. Pp. 422 + [2]. 23 x 14.5 cm. Translated by Xesús Fraga. ISBN: 8493480150. (Galician)

Spine suggests the book is number 5 of the Contemporánea series.

Arthur & George (Vintage International, 2007)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Arthur & George. New York: Vintage International, 2007. Pp. 445 + [5]. 20.3 x 13.2 cm. ISBN: 9781400097036.

First U.S. paperback edition. Copyright page lists date of publication as “January 2007”.

Arthur & George (Atlas, 2006; Dutch)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Arthur & George. Amsterdam/Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Atlas, 2006. Pp. 479 [480]. 22.9 x 15 cm. Translated by Frans van der Wiel. ISBN: 9789045012049.

Visit the Atlas website:

Arthur & George (Jonathan Cape, 2005)

Notes on this edition: First edition – London: Jonathan Cape, 2005. £17.99.

Arthur & George was shortlisted for The Man Booker Prize in 2005. The novel was later developed into a three-part British television drama by ITV.

Descriptive Bibliography:

Title Page: JULIAN BARNES | Arthur & | George | [Jonathan Cape device] | JONATHAN CAPE | LONDON

Copyright Page: Published by Jonathan Cape 2005 | 2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1 | Copyright © Julian Barnes 2005 | Julian Barnes has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and | Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. | This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, | be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any | form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar | condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser | First published in Great Britain in 2005 by | Jonathan Cape | Random House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, | London SW1V 2SA | Random House Australia (Pty) Limited | 20 Alfred Street, Milsons Point, Sydney, | New South Wales 2061, Australia | Random House New Zealand Limited | 18 Poland Road, Glenfield, | Auckland 10, New Zealand | Random House South Africa (Pty) Limited | Endulini, 5A Jubilee Road, Parktown 2193, South Africa | The Random House Group Limited Reg. No. 954009 | | A CIP catalogue record for this book | is available from the British Library | ISBN 0-224-07703-1 (hardback) | ISBN 0-244-07782-1 (trade paperback) | Papers used by Random House are natural, | recyclable products made from wood grown in sustainable forests; | the manufacturing processes conform to the environmental | regulations of the country of origin | Printed and bound in Great Britain by | Clays Ltd, St Ives plc

Collation: 23.3 x 15.1 cm. Pp. [i-vi, 1-2] 3-46 [47-48] 49-206 [207-208] 209-322 [323-324] 325-357 [358] 359-360 [361-362]. [i]: ‘Arthur & | George’. [ii]: ‘By the same author | Fiction | METROLAND | BEFORE SHE MET ME | FLAUBERT’S PARROT | STARING AT THE SUN | A HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 10½ CHAPTERS | TALKING IT OVER | THE PORCUPINE | CROSS CHANNEL | ENGLAND, ENGLAND | LOVE, ETC | THE LEMON TABLE | Non-fiction | LETTERS FROM LONDON 1990–1995 | SOMETHING TO DECLARE | THE PEDANT IN THE KITCHEN | Translation | IN THE LAND OF PAIN by Alphonse Daudet’. [iii]: title page. [iv]: copyright page. [v]: ‘to P.K.’. [vi]: blank. [1]: ‘ONE | Beginnings’. [2]: blank. 3-46: text. [47]: ‘TWO | Beginning with an Ending’. [48]: blank. 49-206: text. [207]: ‘THREE | Ending with a Beginning’. [208]: blank. 209-322: text. [323]: ‘FOUR | Endings’. [324]: blank. 325-357: text. [358]: blank. 359-360: author’s note. [361-362]: blank.

General description: Binding 24.1 x 16.0 cm. Mustard cloth boards stamped in cream and black to front and spine and black to back. Tan and cream patterned endpapers. No dust jacket, but does include a cream, vertically wrapped band to back cover lettered in light brown. Author photograph by Ellen Warner on inside of band.

Also featured in the images is a fourth printing of the hardback. This printing features a round, white promotional sticker to the front cover stating in black print, “SHORTLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2005”.