The Noise of Time | Uncorrected Proof (Jonathan Cape, 2016)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. The Noise of Time. London: Jonathan Cape, 2016. Pp. 183 [184]. 19.8 x 12.9 cm. ISBN: 9781910702802.

Uncorrected Proof with the date “2016” listed on the copyright page in anticipation of the publication date of the first Jonathan Cape edition.

This copy inscribed by Julian Barnes to his bibliographer.

In the Land of Pain | Unbound Proof (Jonathan Cape, 2002)

Notes on this edition: Alphonse Daudet. In the Land of Pain. Edited and translated by Julian Barnes. London: Jonathan Cape, 2002. Pp. [xvi] + 87 + [1].

Unbound Proof printed on one side only. Sheets measure 29.7 x 21 cm (A4). Dust jacket proof also featured.


Levels of Life | Unbound Proof (Jonathan Cape, 2013)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Levels of Life. London: Jonathan Cape, 2013. Pp. 117 [118] + [2 sheets].

Unbound Proof printed on one side only in an enlarged font. Sheets measure 29.7 x 21 cm (A4).

Through the Window | Uncorrected Proof (Vintage Books, 2012)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Through the Window: Seventeen Essays and a Short Story. London: Vintage Books, 2012. Pp. 243 + [3]. 19.8 x 12.8 cm.

Uncorrected Proof of the first U.K. Vintage edition. Inscribed by Julian Barnes to his bibliographer.

Flaubert’s Parrot | Uncorrected Proof (Jonathan Cape, 1984)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Flaubert’s Parrot. London: Jonathan Cape, 1984. Pp. 190 + [2]. 20.6 x 13.8 cm.

Uncorrected Proof in red paper covers with the Jonathan Cape logo, as pictured.

The Writing Life | Uncorrected Proof (Public Affairs, 2003)

Notes on this edition: The Writing Life: Writers on How They Think and Work. Edited by Marie Arana. New York: Public Affairs, 2003. Pp. 404 + [6]. 20.8 x 13.9 cm.

Uncorrected proof in paper covers. Julian Barnes’s entry is titled “Literary Executions” appears on pp. 382-386. Barnes’s biographical profile appears on pp. [380]-382.

“A Collection from The Washington Post Book World”.

Fiddle City | Uncorrected Proof (Jonathan Cape, 1981; Author’s Copy)

Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. Fiddle City. London: Jonathan Cape, 1981. Pp. 173 + [3]. 19.2 x 13.9 cm.

This uncorrected proof is from Julian Barnes’s personal collection. Printed by “Rowland Phototypesetting”, these galley proofs are printed on one side of each sheet, two pages per page, landscape format.

Packaged in an envelope along with the author’s uncorrected page proofs for Dan Kavanagh’s Putting the Boot In.

Putting the Boot In | Unbound Proof (Jonathan Cape, 1985; Author’s Copy)

Notes on this edition: Putting the Boot In. London: Jonathan Cape, 1985.

This unbound, loose sheet galley proof is from Julian Barnes’s personal collection. Printed on one side of each sheet, the pages show crop marks for future sizing.

Packaged in an envelope along with the author’s uncorrected page proofs for Dan Kavanagh’s Fiddle City.

England, England | Unbound Proof (Jonathan Cape, 1998; Author’s Copy)

Notes on this edition: England, England. London: Jonathan Cape, 1998.

This unbound, loose sheet galley proof is from Julian Barnes’s personal collection. Printed on one side of each sheet, the pages show crop marks for future sizing.

Talking It Over | Unbound Proof (Jonathan Cape, 1991; Author’s Copy)

Notes on this edition: Talking It Over. London: Jonathan Cape, 1991.

This unbound, loose sheet galley proof is from Julian Barnes’s personal collection. Printed on one side of each sheet, the pages show crop marks for future sizing.