Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Попугай Флобера | Flaubert’s Parrot. Moscow: ACT, 2005. Pp. 253 [254] + [2]. 20.6 x 13.4 cm. Translated by Т. Шинкарь. ISBN: 5170104375. (Russian).
Tag: Hardback
История мира в 10 1/2 главах | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters (ACT, 2005; Russian)
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. История мира в 10 1/2 главах | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters. Moscow: ACT, 2005. Pp. 348 [349] + [3]. 20.5 x 13.7 cm. Translated by Владимир Бабков. Hardcover, pictoral boards. ISBN: 5170287933. Russian.
История мира в 10 1/2 главах | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters (BSG Press, 2000; Russian)
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. История мира в 10 1/2 главах | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters. Moscow: Inostrannaya Literatura / BSG Press, 2000. Pp. 398 [399] + [1] . 17 x 12 cm. ISBN: 5936360059. Translated by Владимир Бабков. Hardcover, pictoral boards.
A History of the World in 10½ Chapters (Jonathan Cape, 1989)
Notes on this edition: First edition – London: Jonathan Cape, 1989. £11.95. Print run: 13,000.
Descriptive Bibliography:
Title Page: A HISTORY OF | THE WORLD | IN 10½ CHAPTERS | Julian Barnes | [Jonathan Cape device] | JONATHAN CAPE | THIRTY-TWO BEDFORD SQUARE | LONDON
Copyright Page: First published 1989 | © Julian Barnes 1989 | Jonathan Cape Ltd, 32 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3SG | Facing page 124: Géricault, The Raft of the Medusa, 1819 | Louvre Museum, Paris © Réunion des Musées Nationaux | A CIP catalogue record for this book | is available from the British Library | ISBN 0-224-02669-0 | Photoset in Great Britain by | Rowland Phototypesetting Ltd | Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk | Printed by Mackays of Chatham PLC | Chatham, Kent
Collation: 21.5 x 13.7 cm. Pp. [i-viii, 1-2] 3-30 [31-32] 33-58 [59-60] 61-80 [81-82] 83-111 [112-114] 115-139 [140-142] 143-168 [169-170] 171-188 [189-190] 191-222 [223-224] 225-246 [247-248] 249-280 [281-282] 283-309 [310-312]. [i]: ‘A HISTORY OF | THE WORLD | IN 10½ CHAPTERS’. [ii]: ‘by the same author | METROLAND | BEFORE SHE MET ME | FLAUBERT’S PARROT | STARING AT THE SUN’. [iii]: title page. [iv]: copyright page. [v]: ‘to Pat Kavanagh’. [vi]: blank. [vii]: contents. [viii]: blank. [1]: ‘I | THE STOWAWAY’. [2]: blank. 3-30: text. [31]: ‘2 | THE VISITORS’. [32]: blank. 33-58: text. [59]: ‘3 | THE WARS OF RELIGION’. [60]: blank. 61-80: text. [81]: ‘4 | THE SURVIVOR’. [82]: blank. 83-111: text. [112]: blank. [113]: ‘5 | SHIPWRECK’. [114]: blank. 115-139: text. [140]: blank. [141]: ‘6 | THE MOUNTAIN’. [142]: blank. 143-168: text. [169]: ‘7 | THREE SIMPLE STORIES’. [170]: blank. 171-188: text. [189]: ‘8 | UPSTREAM’. [190]: blank. 191-222: text. [223]: ‘PARENTHESIS’. [224]: blank. 225-246: text. [247]: ‘9 | PROJECT ARARAT’. [248]: blank. 249-280: text. [281]: ’10 | THE DREAM’. [282]: blank. 283-309: text. [310]: blank. [311]: author’s note. [312]: blank.
General description: Binding 22.2 x 14 cm. Dark blue boards, gold blocked on spine. Tan endpapers. Géricault image tipped in between pages 124-25. Blue dust jacket lettered in white. Color jacket illustration. White jacket flaps lettered in black. Author photograph by Ross MacGibbon on back flap.
Метроленд | Metroland (ACT, 2001; Russian)
Notes on this edition: Метроленд | Metroland. Moscow: ACT, 2001. Pp. 300 [301] + [3]. 20.6 x 13.3 cm. Translated by T. Pokidaevoi. ISBN: 5170109393. (Russian).
This edition published in printed boards (hardback).
The Porcupine (Jonathan Cape, 1992)
Notes on this edition: Because Jonathan Cape published Julian Barnes’s novel The Porcupine after Obsidian Press published the Bulgarian translation, this edition is listed as the “First British Edition”.
Descriptive Bibliography: First British edition – London: Jonathan Cape, 1992. £9.99.
Copyright Page: First published 1992 | © Julian Barnes 1992 | Jonathan Cape, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SA | Julian Barnes has asserted his right | under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988 | to be identified as the author of this work | A CIP catalogue record for this book | is available from the British Library | ISBN 0-224-03618-1 | Printed in Great Britain by | Mackays of Chatham PLC, Chatham, Kent
Collation: 20.2 x 13.9 cm. Pp. [i-vi] 1-138. [i]: ‘THE PORCUPINE’. [ii]: ‘by the same author | METROLAND | BEFORE SHE MET ME | FLAUBERT’S PARROT | STARING AT THE SUN | A HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 10½ CHAPTERS | TALKING IT OVER’. [iii]: title page. [iv]: copyright page. [v]: ‘to Dimitrina’. [vi]: blank. 1-138: text.
General description: Binding 20.9 x 14 cm. Burgundy boards, gold blocked on spine. Sky blue endpapers. Burgundy dust jacket lettered in white (author) and sky blue (title). Color photograph of man carrying an umbrella on upper panel. Image is reproduced in smaller dimensions on lower panel. Jacket photo by Akira Nagamatsu with design by Peter Dyer. White jacket flaps lettered in black. Author photograph by Jillian Edelstein on back flap.
התוכי של פלובר | Flaubert’s Parrot (Zmora-Bitan, 1987; Hebrew)
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. התוכי של פלובר | Flaubert’s Parrot. Tel-Aviv: Zmora-Bitan, 1987. Pp. 188 + [4]. 21.5 x 14 cm. Translated by כרמית גיא. (Hebrew).
The Hebrew edition was republished in 2005.
フロベールの鸚鵡 | Flaubert’s Parrot (Hakusui-Sha Limited, 1989; Japanese)
Notes on this edition: フロベールの鸚鵡 (Furobēru no ōmu) | Flaubert’s Parrot. Tokyo: Hakusui-Sha Limited, 1989. Pp. 293 + [3]. 19.4 x 13.6 cm. Translated by Shozo Saito. ISBN: 4560044546. (Japanese).
The Japanese translation of Julian Barnes’s Flaubert’s Parrot features a blue promotional wrap-around band. The binding also reproduces the parrot image from the dust jacket in white to the front board.
Flaubert’s Parrot (Alfred A. Knopf, 1985)
Notes on this edition: First American edition – New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1985. $13.95.
Barnes’s third literary novel Flaubert’s Parrot was a great success in the U.K., thus ensuring hardback publication in the U.S. Riding the wave of the novel’s success, paperback editions of his previous two novels soon appeared on the market.
Peter Brooks of The New York Times ended his review of the novel with: “His book is a great success, humane and generous, full of insight and wit, rich and even prodigal in its verbal inventiveness: a book Flaubert would have scorned to write, a book well worth writing.”
On February 17, 1985 (shortly before publication of the novel), Barnes published his essay “The Follies of Writer Worship” in The New York Times. The essay is a non-fiction piece about the nature of writer worship, which is a theme underlying the narrator’s search for truth in the novel.
Descriptive Bibliography:
Title Page: JULIAN BARNES | [double rule line] | Flaubert’s | Parrot | [Knopf device] | ALFRED A. KNOPF New York 1985
Copyright Page: THIS IS A BORZOI BOOK | PUBLISHED BY ALFRED A. KNOPF, INC. | Copyright © 1984 by Julian Barnes | All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright | Conventions. Published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf, | Inc., New York. Distributed by Random House, Inc., New York. | Originally published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape, Ltd., London. | “Flaubert’s Parrot” was first published in the London Review of Books, | and “Emma Bovary’s Eyes” first appeared in an edited form, in Granta. | Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data | Barnes, Julian. Flaubert’s Parrot. | 1. Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880, in fiction, drama, | poetry, etc. 2. Parrots—Fiction. I. Title. | PR6052.A6657F56 1985 823’.914 84-48550 | ISBN 0-394-54272-X | Manufactured in the United States of America | FIRST AMERICAN EDITION | A NOTE ON THE TYPE | The text of this book was set in a digitized version of Bembo, a well- | known Monotype face. Named for Pietro Bembo, the celebrated | Renaissance writer and humanist scholar who was made a cardinal | and served as secretary to Pope Leo X, the original cutting of Bembo | was made by Francesco Griffo of Bologna only a few years after Co- | lumbus discovered America. | Sturdy, well-balanced, and finely proportioned, Bembo is a face of | rare beauty, extremely legible in all of its sizes. | Composed in Great Britain | Printed and bound by Fairfield Graphics, | Fairfield, Pennsylvania. | Binding design by Marysarah Quinn.
Collation: 21.2 x 14.3 cm. Untrimmed pages. Pp. [i-ii, 1-11] 12-22 [23] 24-37 [38] 39-48 [49] 50-65 [66] 67-73 [74] 75-81 [82] 83-106 [107] 108-114 [115] 116-125 [126] 127-136 [137] 138-152 [153] 154-159 [160] 161-170 [171] 172-179 [180] 181-190. [i]: blank. [ii]: ‘by the same author | METROLAND | BEFORE SHE MET ME’. [1]: ‘Flaubert’s | Parrot’. [2]: blank. [3]: title page. [4]: copyright page. [5]: ‘To Pat’. [6]: epigraph. [7]: [contents]. [8]: ‘Note | I am grateful to James Fenton and the Salamander Press for per- | mission to reprint the lines from ‘A German Requiem’ on page 115. | The translations in this book are by Geoffrey Braithwaite; though he | would have been lost without the impeccable example of Francis | Steegmuller. | J.B.’. [9]: ‘Flaubert’s | Parrot’. [10]: blank. [11]-190: text.
General description: Binding 22 x 15 cm. White boards, gold blocked on green spine. Gold stamped ‘JB’ on front board. White endpapers. Grey dust jacket lettered in red (title) and blue (author). Cover image ‘Félicité Sleeping with Parrot’ by David Hockney. Photograph of the author by Jerry Bauer located on back flap.
The Truth about Dogs by Volker Kriegel (Bloomsbury, 1988)
Notes on this edition: First edition – Volker Kriegel. The Truth about Dogs. London: Bloomsbury, 1988. £4.95. Originally published as Kriegels Kleine Hunde-Kunde by Volker Kriegel. Translated and with an introduction by Julian Barnes.
Descriptive Bibliography:
Title Page: THE TRUTH ABOUT | DOGS | Volker Kriegel | Translated and introduced by | Julian Barnes | [cartoon by Kriegel] | BLOOMSBURY
Copyright Page: First published in Great Britain 1988 | Originally published under the title Kriegels Kleine | Hunde-Kunde by Haffmans Verlag | Copyright © 1986 by Haffmans Verlag | Introduction and translation © 1988 | by Julian Barnes | Guist dog on page 1 drawn by Tatjana Hauptmann | Bloomsbury Publishing Limited, | 2 Soho Square, London W1V 5DE | British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data | Kriegel, Volker | The truth about dogs. | 1. German humorous cartoons—Collection | from individual artists | 1. Title | 741.5’943 | ISBN 0 7475 0232 3 | Printed in Great Britain by | Butler & Tanner Limited, Frome
Collation: 15.4 x 9.2 cm. Pp. [1-6] 7-121 [122-128]. [1]: ‘The Truth About Dogs | [drawing of dog]’. [2]: blank. [3]: title page. [4]: copyright page. [5]: ‘For Ev | but also for Juli, Nico, Joles | and all the others’. [6]: [drawing of dog]. 7-10: [introduction by Julian Barnes]. 11-121: text. [122-128]: blank.
General description: Binding 16 x 9.7 cm. Yellow boards, gold blocked on spine. White endpapers. Cream dust jacket lettered in black and yellow. Upper panel of jacket features a black and blue illustration of a dog crying at a full moon with ‘BLOOMSBURY’ across bottom