Ein Fuss auf dem Mond | “Hamlet im Wilden Westen” (Piper, 2000; German)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. “Hamlet im Wilden Westen.” Ein Fuss auf dem Mond. Munich: Piper, 2000. Pp. 331 [332] + [4]. 20.9 x 13 cm. ISBN: 3492041817. (German).

Julian Barnes’s story “Hamlet in the Wild West” is translated by Gertraude Krueger and appears on pp. 15-22.

“Hamlet in the Wild West” (Index on Censorship, 1994)

Notes on this edition: “Hamlet in the Wild West.” (Short Story). Index on Censorship, vol. 23, issue 4/5, September/October 1994. Pp. 100-103.

This copy features signatures by Julian Barnes and A.S. Byatt to their respective short stories.