Alsof het voorbij is | The Sense of an Ending (Dwarsligger/Uitgeverij Atlas Contact, 2013; Dutch)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Alsof het voorbij is | The Sense of an Ending. Amsterdam: Dwarsligger/Uitgeverij Atlas Contact, 2013. Pp. 423 [424] + [8]. 12 x 8.2 cm. Translated by Ronald Vlek. ISBN: 9789049802493. (Dutch).

Dwarsligger is an imprint of Uitgeverij Atlas Contact. The volume is a small format paperback. This particular title is “Dwarsligger 234” in the series.

Julian Barnes has inscribed this copy to his bibliographer:

to Ryan
– who will appreciate this bibliographical
oddity –
with best wishes
London 19 · Sept · 13

Het tumult van de tijd | The Noise of Time (Dwarsligger/Uitgeverij Atlas Contact, 2017; Dutch)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Het tumult van de tijd | The Noise of Time. Amsterdam: Dwarsligger, 2017. Pp. 373 [374-375] + [9]. 12 x 8.2 cm. Translated by Ronald Vlek. ISBN: 9789049805654. (Dutch).

Dwarsligger is an imprint of Uitgeverij Atlas Contact. The volume is a small format paperback. This particular title is “Dwarsligger 478” in the series.