Som jeg ser det: essays om billedkunst (Tiderne Skifter, 2011; Danish)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Som jeg ser det: essays om billedkunst. Copenhagen: Tiderne Skifter, 2011. Pp. 218 + [6]. 20.9 x 16.3 cm. Translated by Claus Bech. ISBN: 9788779733725. (Danish)

Julian Barnes’s Danish publisher encouraged the publication of this collection of essays on art several years prior to the publication of Barnes’s collection Keeping an Eye Open: Essays on Art (Jonathan Cape, 2015). The Danish publication contains essays on the following artists:

Theodore Géricault
Eugène Delacroix
Gustave Courbet
Édouard Manet
Edgar Degas
Odilon Redon
Félix Vallotton
Pierre Bonnard
Édouard Vuillard
Georges Braque
René Magritte
Claes Oldenburg

The example featured here is signed, but a lengthy, personalized inscription has been removed from the title page.

Keeping an Eye Open (Jonathan Cape, 2015)

Notes on this edition: Jonathan Cape published Julian Barnes’s collection of art essays Keeping an Eye Open in 2015. On the “Acknowledgements” page, Barnes states (in part), “This book owes its existence to the encouragement of my friend and Danish publisher Claus Clausen. When he first suggested bringing out a collection of my art essays, I thought he was joking; when he repeated the offer, I thought he was still just being polite. He convinced me otherwise, and twelve of these pieces appeared as Som jeg ser dat (Tiderne Skifter, 2011).”

Descriptive Bibliography: First edition – London: Jonathan Cape, 2015. £16.99. Paper cover with French flaps.

Title Page: KEEPING AN EYE OPEN | ESSAYS ON ART | Julian Barnes | [Jonathan Cape device] | JONATHAN CAPE | LONDON

Copyright Page: Published by Jonathan Cape 2015 | 2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1 | Copyright © Julian Barnes 2015 | Julian Barnes has asserted his right under the | Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 | to be identified as the author of this work. | This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, | by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, | or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in | any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is | published and without a similar condition, including this | condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser | First published in Great Britain in 2015 by | Jonathan Cape | 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, | London SW1V 2SA | | | A CIP catalogue record for this book is | available from the British Library | ISBN 9780224102018 | The Random House Group Limited supports The Forest | Stewardship Council (FSC®), the leading international forest | certification organisation. Our books carrying the FSC label are printed | on FSC® certified paper. FSC is the only forest certification scheme | endorsed by the leading environmental organisations, including | Greenpeace. Our paper procurement policy can be found at: | | Printed and bound in China by C&C Offset Printing Co., Ltd

Collation: 23.4 x 15.2 cm. Pp. [i-viii] 1-2 [3] 4-24 [25] 26-28 [29] 30 [31] 32-44 [45] 46-50 [51] 52-54 [55] 56 [57] 58-59 [60] 61-62 [63] 64-70 [71] 72-77 [78] 79-83 [84] 85 [86] 87-90 [91] 92-95 [96] 97-100 [101] 102-103 [104] 105-108 [109] 110 [111] 112-116 [117] 118 [119] 120 [121] 122-126 [127] 128-130 [131] 132-133 [134] 135-139 [140] 141-142 [143] 144-149 [150] 151-153 [154] 155-157 [158] 159-161 [162] 163-173 [174] 175-178 [179] 180-181 [182] 183-187 [188] 189-193 [194] 195-204 [205] 206-210 [211] 212 [213] 214-217 [218] 219-220 [221] 222-227 [228-229] 230 [231] 232 [233] 234-237 [238] 239-245 [246] 247 [248] 249-256 [257] 258-262 [263] 264 [265] 266-268 [269] 270-276 [277-280]. [i]: ‘KEEPING AN EYE OPEN’. [ii]: ‘By the same author | FICTION | Metroland | Before She Met Me | Flaubert’s Parrot | Staring at the Sun | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters | Talking it Over | The Porcupine | Cross Channel | England, England | Love, etc | The Lemon Table | Arthur & George | Pulse | The Sense of an Ending | NON-FICTION | Letters from London 1990–1995 | Something to Declare | The Pedant in The Kitchen | Nothing to be Frightened of | Through the Window | Levels of Life | TRANSLATION | In The Land Of Pain | by Alphonse Daudet’. [iii]: title page. [iv]: copyright page. [v-vi]: [Table of Contents]. [vii] ‘FOR PAT’. [vi]. [viii]: blank. 1-2: text. [3]: [image with caption: ‘Quimperlé (Finistère): Le Pont fleuri’]. 4-24: text. [25]: [image with caption: ‘Scene of Cannibalism on the Raft of the Medusa by Géricault’]. 26-28: text. [29]: [image with caption: ‘The Raft of the Medusa by Géricult | Detail showing men waving at the ship’]. 30: text. [31]: [image with caption: ‘The Raft of the Medusa by Géricault | Detail of the man with the grey beard’]. 32-44: text. [45]: [image with caption: ‘The Raft of the Medusa by Géricault | Detail showing prone figure modelled by Delacroix’’]. 46-50: text. [51]: [image with caption: ‘Homage to Delacroix by Fantin-Latour | Detail showing, from left, Whistler, the novelist Champfleury, Manet’]. 52-54: text. [55]: [image with caption: ‘An unmade Bed by Delacroix’]. 56: text. [57]: [image with caption: ‘The Mediterranean by Courbet’]. 58-59: text. [60]: [image with caption: ‘The Meeting (detail) by Courbet’]. 61-62: text. [63]: [image with caption: ‘The Artist’s Studio (detail) by Courbet’]. 64-70: text. [71]: [image with caption: ‘A Studio at Les Batignolles by Fantin-Latour | Detail showing Manet (at easel), Renoir (in the picture frame), and Monet (far right)’]. 72-77: text. [78]: [image with caption: ‘The Bouquet of Lilacs by Manet’]. 79-8: text.3 [84]: [image with caption: ‘The Execution of Maximilian (detail) by Manet’]. 85: text. [86]: [image with caption: ‘The Execution of Maximilian by Manet | Detail of the NCO cocking his rifle from the painting in London (left) | and the version in Mannheim (right)’]. 87-90: text. [91]: [image with caption: ‘A Corner of the Table by Fantin-Latour | Detail showing (from left) Verlaine, Rimbaud and Léon Valade’]. 92-95: text. [96]: [image with caption: ‘Homage to Delacroix by Fantin-Latour | Detail showing Fantin-Latour’]. 97-100: text. [101]: [image with caption: ‘The Dubourg Family by Fantin-Latour’]. 102-103: text. [104]: [image with caption: ‘Homage to Cézanne by Denis | Detail showing (from left) the painters Redon and Vuillard, | and the art critic André Mellario’]. 105-108: text. [109]: [image with caption: ‘The Card Players by Cézanne’]. 110: text. [111]: [image with caption: ‘Madame Cézanne in a Red Armchair by Cézanne’]. 112-116: text. [117]: [image with caption: ‘Apotheosis of Degas by Edgar Degas and Walter Barnes’]. 118: text. [119]: [image with caption: ‘Combing the Hair by Degas’]. 120: text. [121]: [image with caption: ‘The Dance Lesson (detail) by Degas’]. 122-126: text. [127]: [image with caption: ‘Madame Camille Redon Reading by Redon’]. 128-130: text. [131]: [image with caption: ‘Chimera (Fantastic Monster) by Redon’]. 132-133: text. [134]: [image with caption: ‘The Cyclops by Redon’]. 135-139: text. [140]: [image with caption: ‘The Anabaptists: Pierre Bonnard by Vuillard’]. 141-142: text. [143]: [image with caption: ‘Nude in the Bath by Bonnard’]. 144-149: text. [150]: [image with caption: ‘A Corner of the Table by Bonnard’]. 151-153: text. [154]: [image with caption: ‘Woman Sweeping by Vuillard’]. 155-157: text. [158]: [image with caption: ‘The Nape of Misia’s Neck by Vuillard’]. 159-161: text. [162]: [image with caption: ‘The Chat by Vuillard’]. 163-173: text. [174]: [image with caption: ‘The Lie by Vallotton’]. 175-178: text. [179]: [image with caption: ‘The Five Painters by Vallotton | Detail showing Vallotton (standing), Bonnard (left) and Vuillard’]. 180-181: text. [182]: [image with caption: ‘Money by Vallotton’]. 183-187: text. [188]: [image with caption: ‘The Pond (Honfleur) by Vallotton’]. 189-193: text. [194]: [image with caption: ‘Les usines de Rio Tinto à l’Etaque by Braque’]. 195-204: text. [205]: [image with caption: ‘George Braque, artist, and his wife Augustine, Paris, 27th January, 1959 | by Richard Avedon’]. 206-210: text. [211]: [image with caption: ‘Les Affinités Electives by Magritte’]. 212: text. [213]: [image with caption: ‘La Clairvoyance by Magritte’]. 214-217: text. [218]: [image with caption: ‘Proposed Colossal Monument for Central Park North, N.Y.C. – Teddy Bear | by Oldenburg’]. 219-220: text. [221]: [image with caption: ‘Giant Soft Fan by Oldenburg’]. 222-227: text. [228]: [image with caption: ‘Dead Dad by Mueck’]. [229]: [image with caption: ‘Vénus ataxique by Richer’].230: text. [231]: [image with caption: ‘The Head of an Englishman’]. 232: text. [233]: [image with caption: ‘The Hand of a Giant from Barnum’s Circus’]. 234-237: text. [238]: [image with caption: ‘Artist in his Studio by Rembrandt’]. 239-245: text. [246]: [image with caption: ‘Hotel Bedroom by Freud | Detail showing Caroline Blackwood’]. 247: text. [248]: [image with caption: ‘The Painter Surprised by a Naked Admirer (detail) by Freud’]. 249-256: text. [257]: [image with caption: ‘Two Japanese Wrestlers by a Sink by Freud’]. 258-262: text. [263]: [image with caption: ‘Alpine Snow by Hodgkin’]. 264: text. [265]: [image with caption: ‘After Degas by Hodgkin’]. 266-268: text. [269]: [image with caption: ‘Lovers by Hodgkin’]. 270-276: text. [277-280]: [blank].

General description: Paper covers designed by Suzanne Dean using various artworks. Cover: Alpine Snow by Howard Hodgkin; Front Flap: The Dance Lesson by Edgar Degas; Spine: The Artist’s Studio by Gustave Courbet; Back Cover: The Lie by Félix Vallotton; Back Flap: The Execution of Maximilian by Édouard Manet. Inside of the front and back of the paper cover features an image of paint brushes, as shown. Back flap of dust jacket features an author photograph by Alan Edwards.

Keeping an Eye Open (Random House Canada, 2015)

Notes on this edition: First edition – Keeping an Eye Open: Essays on Art. Toronto: Random House Canada, 2015. Pp. 278. ISBN: 9780345815170. $34.95.

The first Canadian edition of Julian Barnes’s Keeping an Eye Open appears nearly identical to the first American edition, except changes to the publisher information on the title page, copyright page, and jacket that identify this edition as a Random House Canada publication.

Pages are cream, not white, as evidenced by the contrast between page color and the publisher’s device on the title page.

Descriptive Bibliography:

Title Page: Keeping an Eye Open | ESSAYS ON ART | Julian Barnes | [Random House Canada device] | RANDOM HOUSE CANADA

Copyright Page: PUBLISHED BY RANDOM HOUSE CANADA | Copyright © 2015 Julian Barnes | All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of | this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including | information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, | except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review. Published in 2015 by Random | House Canada, a division of Random House of Canada Limited, a Penguin Random House | company, and simultaneously in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf, a division of Penguin | Random House LLC, New York. Originally published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape, an | imprint of The Random House Group Limited. Distributed in Canada by Random House of | Canada Limited, Toronto. | | Random House Canada and colophon are registered trademarks. | Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication | Barnes, Julian | [Essays. Selections] | Keeping an eye open : essays on art / Julian Barnes. | Originally published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape. | Issued in print and electronic formats. | ISBN 978-0-345-81517-0 | eBook ISBN 978-0-345-81519-4 | 1. Art, Modern19th century. 2. Art, Modern20th century. | I. Title. | N6447.B37 2015     709.04 C2015-902863-9 | Front-of-jacket image: Palette of Edgar Degas, Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France. | Gianni Dagli Orti/The Art Archive at Art Resource, NY | Back-of-jacket images: (top to bottom, details) Still Life with Curtain and Flowered Pitcher by | Paul Cézanne, Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia. Scala/Art Resource, NY; | Desperate, self-portrait by Gustave Courbet, HIP/Art Resource, NY; Olympia by Edouard Manet, | Musée d’Orsay; Paris, France. Scala/Art Resource/NY | Jacket design by Carol Devine Carson | Printed and bound in Singapore | 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 | [Random House Canada device to left; three lines of text to the right] Penguin | Random House | RANDOM HOUSE CANADA

Collation: 21.4 x 17.0 cm. Pp. [-ii-vii] viii [1-2] 3-4 [5] 6-11 [12] 13-26 [27] 28-30 [31] 32 [33] 34-46 [47] 48-52 [53] 54-56 [57-58] 59-62 [63] 64 [65] 66- [60] 61-62 [63] 64-71 [72] 73-79 [80] 81-86 [87] 88 [89] 90-91 [92] 93-98 [99] 100-102 [103] 104-106 [107] 108-110 [111] 112 [113] 114-118 [119] 120 [121] 122 [123] 124-128 [129] 130-132 [133] 134-136 [137] 138-142 [143] 144 [145] 146-151 [152] 153-156 [157] 158160 [161] 162-164 [165] 166-176 [177] 178-180 [181] 182-184 [185] 186-190 [191] 192-196 [197] 198-206 [207] 208-212 [213] 214 [215] 216-220 [221] 222 [223] 224-229 [230-231] 232 [233] 234 [235] 236-240 [241] 242-248 [249] 250 [251] 252-257 [258] 259-264 [265] 266 [267] 268-270 [271] 272-278. [-ii]: blank. [-i] ‘ALSO BY JULIAN BARNES | FICTION | Metroland | Before She Met Me | Flaubert’s Parrot | Staring at the Sun | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters | Talking It Over | The Porcupine | Cross Channel | England, England | Love, Etc. | The Lemon Table | Arthur & George | Pulse | The Sense of an Ending | NONFICTION | Letters from London 1990–1995 | Something to Declare | The Pedant in The Kitchen | Nothing to Be Frightened of | Through the Window | Levels of Life | TRANSLATION | In The Land Of Pain by Alphonse Daudet’. [i]: ‘KEEPING AN EYE OPEN’. [ii]: blank. [iii]: title page. [iv]: copyright page. [v]: ‘FOR PAT’. [vi]: blank. [vii]-viii: [Table of Contents]. [1]: ‘KEEPING AN EYE OPEN’. [2]: blank. 3-4: text. [5]: [image with caption: ‘Quimperlé (Finistère): Le Pont fleuri’]. 6-11: text. [12]: [image with caption: ‘The Raft of the Medusa by Géricault’]. 13-26: text. [27]: [image with caption: ‘Scene of Cannibalism on the Raft of the Medusa by Géricult’]. 28-30: text. [31]: [image with caption: ‘The Raft of the Medusa by Géricault | Detail showing men waving at the ship’]. 32: text. [33]: [image with caption: ‘The Raft of the Medusa by Géricault | Detail of the man with the grey beard’]. 34-46: text. [47]: [image with caption: ‘The Raft of the Medusa by Géricault | Detail showing prone figure modelled by Delacroix’’]. 48-52: text. [53]: [image with caption: ‘Homage to Delacroix by Fantin-Latour | Detail showing, from left, Whistler, the novelist Champfleury, Manet’]. 54-56: text. [57]: [image with caption: ‘An Unmade Bed by Delacroix’]. [58]: [image with caption: ‘The Mediterranean by Courbet’]. 59-62: text. [63]: [image with caption: ‘The Meeting by Courbet’]. 64: text. [65]: [image with caption: ‘L’Atelier (detail) by Courbet’]. 66-71: text. [72]: [image with caption: ‘A Studio in the Batignolles Quarter by Fantin-Latour | Detail showing Manet (at easel), Renoir (in the picture frame), | and Monet (far right)’]. 73-79: text. [80]: [image with caption: ‘The Bouquet of Lilacs by Manet’]. 81-88: text. [89]: [image with caption: ‘The Execution of Maximilian by Manet | Detail of the NCO cocking his rifle from the painting in London (left) | and the version in Mannheim (right)’]. 90-91: text. [92]: [image with caption: ‘A Corner of the Table by Fantin-Latour | Detail showing (from left) Verlaine, Rimbaud and Léon Valade’]. 93-98: text. [99]: [image with caption: ‘Homage to Delacroix by Fantin-Latour | Detail showing Fantin-Latour’]. 100-102: text. [103]: [image with caption: ‘The Dubourg Family by Fantin-Latour’]. 104-106: text. [107]: [image with caption: ‘Homage to Cézanne by Denis | Detail showing (from left) the painters Redon and Vuillard, | the art critic André Mellario, the dealer Ambroise Vollard, | and the painters Maurice Denis and Paul Sérusier’]. 108-110: text. [111]: [image with caption: ‘The Card Players by Cézanne’]. 112: text. [113]: [image with caption: ‘Madame Cézanne in a Red Armchair by Cézanne’]. 114-118: text. [117]: [image with caption: ‘Apotheosis of Degas by Edgar Degas and Walter Barnes’]. 122: text. [123]: ‘The Dance Lesson (detail) by Degas’]. 124-128: text. [129]: [image with caption: ‘Madame Camille Redon Reading by Redon’]. 130-132: text. [133]: [image with caption: ‘Chimera (Fantastic Monster) by Redon’]. 134-136: text. [137]: [image with caption: ‘The Cyclops by Redon’]. 138-142: text. [143]: [image with caption: ‘The Anabaptists: Pierre Bonnard by Vuillard’]. 144: text. [145]: [image with caption: ‘Nude in the Bath by Bonnard’]. 146-151: text. [152]: [image with caption: ‘A Corner of the Table by Bonnard’]. 153-156: text. [157]: [image with caption: ‘Woman Sweeping by Vuillard’]. 158-160: text. [161]: [image with caption: ‘The Nape of Misia’s Neck by Vuillard’]. 162-164: text. [165]: [image with caption: ‘The Chat by Vuillard’]. 166-176: text. [177]: [image with caption: ‘The Lie by Vallotton’]. 178-180: text. [181]: [image with caption: ‘The Five Painters by Vallotton | Detail showing Vallotton (standing), Bonnard (left) and Vuillard’]. 182-184: text. [185]: [image with caption: ‘Money by Vallotton’]. 186-190: text. [191]: [image with caption: ‘The Pond (Honfleur) by Vallotton’]. 192-196: text. [197]: [image with caption: ‘Les usines de Rio Tinto à l’Estaque by Braque’]. 198-206: text. [207]: [image with caption: ‘George Braque, artist, and his wife Marcelle, Paris, 27th January, 1959 | by Richard Avedon’]. 208-212: text. [213]: [image with caption: ‘Les Affinités Electives by Magritte’]. 214: text. [215]: [image with caption: ‘La Clairvoyance by Magritte’]. 216-220: text. [221]: [image with caption: ‘Proposed Colossal Monument for Central Park North, N.Y.C.—Teddy Bear | by Oldenburg’]. 222: text. [223]: [image with caption: ‘Giant Soft Fan by Oldenburg’]. 224-229: text. [230]: [image with caption: ‘Dead Dad by Mueck’]. [231]: [image with caption: ‘La Vénus ataxique by Richer’]. 232: text. [233]: [image with caption: ‘The Head of an Englishman’]. 234: text. [235]: [image with caption: ‘The Hand of a Giant from Barnum’s Circus’]. 236-240: text. [241]: [image with caption: ‘The Painter in His Studio by Rembrandt’]. 242-248: text. [249]: [image with caption: ‘Hotel Bedroom by Freud | detail showing Caroline Blackwood’]. 250: text. [251]: [image with caption: ‘The Painter Surprised by a Naked Admirer (detail) by Freud’]. 252-257: text. [258]: [image with caption: ‘Two Japanese Wrestlers by a Sink by Freud’]. 259-264: text. [265]: [image with caption: ‘Alpine Snow by Hodgkin’]. 266: text. [267]: [image with caption: ‘After Degas by Hodgkin’]. 268-270: text. [271]: [image with caption: ‘Lovers by Hodgkin’]. 272-278: text.

General description: Binding 22.2 x 17.8 cm. Red-orange cloth boards stamped in gold lettering to spine. White endpapers. Cover design by Carol Devine Carson. Back flap of dust jacket features an author photograph by Alan Edwards.

Keeping an Eye Open | Uncorrected Proof (Alfred A. Knopf, 2015)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Keeping an Eye Open: Essays on Art. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2015. Pp. 278. 21.6 x 17.2 cm.

Uncorrected proof in teal paper cover, as pictured. Front cover lists the publication date as “9 OCTOBER 2015”, a provisional price of $30.00.