Trioloog ; Liefde, enz. | Talking It Over ; Love, etc. | Dual Edition (Uitgeverij Atlas Contact, 2016; Dutch)

Notes on this edition: Trioloog ; Liefde, enz. | Talking It Over ; Love, etc. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Atlas Contact, 2016. Trioloog translated by Bartho Kriek; Liefde, enz. translated by Marijke Versluys. Pp. 283 [284]; Pp. 249 [250]. 21.5 x 14.1 cm. ISBN: 9789025448752. (Dutch).

Special dual edition of Trioloog and Liefde, enz. The book flips upside down to read the other text, as shown in the cover image photo. A single, blank page separates the two texts.

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