Notes on this edition: За окном | Through the Window. Moscow: Eksmo, 2013. Pp. 315 + [5]. 20.7 x 13 cm. Translated by Е. Петровой (E. Petrova). ISBN: 9785699668397. (Russian).
Дикобраз | The Porcupine (Eksmo, 2013; Russian)
Notes on this edition: Дикобраз | The Porcupine. Moscow: Eksmo, 2013. Pp. 188 + [4]. 20.7 x 13.2 cm. Translated by Храмов Евгений (Hramov Eugene). ISBN: 9785699628568. (Russian).
Глядя на солнце | Staring at the Sun (Eksmo, 2014; Russian)
Notes about this edition: Глядя на солнце | Staring at the Sun. Moscow: Eksmo, 2014. Pp. 314 + [6]. 17 x 11.3 cm. Translated by И. Г. Гуровой (I. G. Gurova). ISBN: 9785699766093. (Russian).
Лимонный стол | The Lemon Table (Eksmo, 2013; Russian)
Notes on this edition: Лимонный стол | The Lemon Table. Moscow: Eksmo, 2013. Pp. 283 + [5]. 20.7 x 13.2 cm. Translated by И. Гуровой [I. Gurovoy] and Л. Мотылева [L. Motyleva]. ISBN: 9785699621521. (Russian).
Как все было | Talking It Over (Eksmo, 2013; Russian)
Notes on this edition: Как все было | Talking It Over. Moscow: Eksmo, 2013. Pp. 315 + [5]. 20.7 x 13.2 cm. Translated by И. М. Бернштейн (I. M. Bernstein). ISBN: 9785699636655. (Russian).
История мира в 10 1/2 главах | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters (Eksmo, 2013; Russian)
Notes on this edition: История мира в 10½ главах | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters. Moscow: Eksmo, 2013. Pp. 442 + [6]. 20.7 x 13.2 cm. Translated by В. Бабкова (B. Babkova). ISBN: 9785699683604. (Russian).
Попугай Флобера | Flaubert’s Parrot (Eksmo, 2012; Russian)
Notes on this edition: Попугай Флобера | Flaubert’s Parrot. Moscow: Eksmo, 2012. Pp. 316 + [4]. 20.7 x 13.2 cm. Translated by А. Борисенко and В. Сонькина. ISBN: 9785699589630. (Russian).
Предчувствие конца | The Sense of an Ending (Eksmo, 2012; Russian)
Notes on this edition: Предчувствие конца | The Sense of an Ending. Moskva [Moscow]: ĖKSMO, 2012. Pp. 234 + [6]. 17.1 x 11.2 cm. Translated by Елена Петровoй (Elena Petrovoy). ISBN: 9785699551583. (Russian).
УРОВНИ ЖИЗНИ | Levels of Life (Eksmo, 2017; Russian)
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. УРОВНИ ЖИЗНИ | Levels of Life. Eksmo, 2017. Pp. 189 + [3]. 14 x 10 cm. Translated by Елена Петровoй (Elena Petrovoy). ISBN: 9785699970810. (Russian).
Нечего бояться | Nothing to Be Frightened of (Eksmo, 2012; Russian)
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Нечего бояться | Nothing to Be Frightened of. Moskva [Moscow]: ĖKSMO, 2012. Pp. 382 + [2]. 17.1 x 11.5 cm. Translated by Сергей Полотовский (Sergey Polotovsky) and Дмитрий Симановский (Dmitry Simanovsky). ISBN: 9785699578658. (Russian).