Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Arthur & George. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2006. Pp. 385 [386-388] + [4]. 20.8 x 13.8 cm.
This paperback edition was issued prior to the first Vintage paperback edition. Appears to be a book club edition, though no indication of this appears on the text, outside of a white box with the number “1203201” to the bottom right corner on the back cover. This echoes the same white box with the number “1198165” that appears on the dust jacket of the hardback book club edition. As with that edition, no publication date is indicated on the title page, and the copyright page only lists the original copyright date of 2005. As this paperback features the same artwork as the Alfred A. Knopf hardback book club edition (2006), along with identical blurbs to the back cover.