Talking It Over | Stage Adaptation (Agitprop, 1994)

Notes on this edition: Talking It Over. Adapted for the stage by Tanya Cawthorne for Agitprop in 1994. The theatre group staged the play in Hong Kong in June and July 1994. Pp. 35 (printing on single side). 29.8 x 21.4 cm.

Pictured are the spiral bound adaptation and some promotional material related to the performances. Front page of the play is modified to blur an address.

Nothing to Be Frightened of | Comb Bound Proof (Jonathan Cape, 2007)

Notes on this edition: Nothing to Be Frightened of. London: Jonathan Cape, 2007. Pp. 250. 21 x 15 cm.

Uncorrected proof secured with plastic comb binding. Printed on 28 November 2007. In discussing this specimen with Julian Barnes, he suggested this form of proof would have been created in extremely limited quantities prior to the more traditional uncorrected proof. This may, in fact, be the only extant copy bound in this manner.