За окном | Through the Window (Eksmo, 2013; Russian)

Notes on this edition: За окном | Through the Window. Moscow: Eksmo, 2013. Pp. 315 + [5]. 20.7 x 13 cm. Translated by Е. Петровой (E. Petrova). ISBN: 9785699668397. (Russian).

Одна история | The Only Story (Иностранка [Inostranka], 2018; Russian)

Notes on this edition: Одна история | The Only Story.  Moscow: Издательство “Иностранка” [Inostranka], 2018. Pp. 317 [318] + [319]: Table of Contents, [320]: Colophon. 20.6 x 11.2 cm. Translated by Е. Петровой [E. Petrova]. ISBN: 9785389140141. (Russian).