The Only Story (Center Point Publishing, 2018; Large Print)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. The Only Story. Thorndike, ME: Center Point Publishing, 2018. Pp. 303 + [1]. 22.2 x 14.5 cm. ISBN: 9781683248378. (Large Print edition).

Large print edition with smooth binding with imagery and text of jacket printed to covers, as shown.

La única historia | The Only Story (Compactos Anagrama, 2022)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. La única historia | The Only Story. Compactos Anagrama, 2022. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 2022. Pp. 231 + [9]. 20.5 x 13.4 cm. ISBN: 9788433961174. Translated by Jaime Zulaika. (Spanish).

L’unica storia | The Only Story (Mondolibri, 2019; Italian Book Club)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. L’unica storia | The Only Story. Milan: Mondolibri, 2019. Pp. 237 + [7]. 20.9 x 13.7 cm. Translated by Susanna Basso.  (Italian Book Club).

This Italian book club edition has no price listed on the dust jacket.

唯一的故事 | The Only Story (Yilin, 2021; Simplified Chinese)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes | 朱利安·巴恩斯. 唯一的故事 | The Only Story. Yilin, 2021. Pp. 234 + [2]. 20.6 x 14.5 cm. Translated by 郭国良 (Guo Guoliang). ISBN: 9787544786393. (Simplified Chinese).

Die einzige Geschichte | The Only Story (Büchergilde Gutenberg, 2019; German)

Notes on this edition: Die einzige Geschichte  | The Only Story. Frankfurt am Main, Wien, Zürich: Büchergilde Gutenberg, 2019. Pp. 303 [304]. 21 x 13.2 cm. Translated by Gertraude Krueger. ISBN: 9783763271160. (German).

German Bookclub edition issued with a dust jacket, as pictured.

La única historia | The Only Story (Anagrama, 2019; Spanish)

Notes on this edition:  Julian Barnes. La única historia | The Only Story. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 2019. Pp. 231 + [7]. 22 x 14.2 cm. Translated by Jaime Zulaika. ISBN: 9788433980243. (Spanish).

La Seule histoire | The Only Story (Mercure de France/Folio, 2020; French)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. La Seule histoire | The Only Story.  Mercure de France/Folio, 2020. Pp. 328 [329] + [7]. 17.8 x 10.8 cm. Translated by Jean-Pierre Aoustin. ISBN: 9782072873850. (French).

The Only Story (Vintage, 2019; “A Format”)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. The Only Story. Vintage, 2019. Pp. 212 [213] + [3]. 17.7 x 11 cm. ISBN: 9781529110661.

Vintage published the paperback edition in two formats: A and B. The example listed here is the smaller, “A format”. The larger “B format” has a separate entry. In all other respects, other than size, the volumes appear identical in pagination and layout.

The Only Story (Vintage, 2019)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. The Only Story. Vintage, 2019. Pp. 212 [213] + [3]. 19.7 x 12.8 cm. ISBN: 9781784708313.

Vintage published the paperback edition in two formats: A and B. The example listed here is the larger, B format. The smaller A format has a separate entry. In all other respects, other than size, the volumes appear identical in pagination and layout.

Biricik Hikâye | The Only Story (Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2020; Turkish)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Biricik Hikâye | The Only Story. Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2020. Pp. 237 + [3]. 19.5 x 13.2 cm. Translated by Serdar Rifat Kırkoğlu. ISBN: 9786053144342. (Turkish).