Darüber reden | Talking It Over (Haffmans Verlag, 1997; German)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Darüber redenTalking It Over. Zürich: Haffmans Verlag, 1992. Pp. 262 [263] + [9]. 22 x 14 cm. Translated by Gertraude Krueger. ISBN: 325100204x. (German).

Ο ΣΚΑΝΤΖΌΧΟΙΡΟΣ | The Porcupine (Ekdoseis Psychogios, 1993; Greek)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Ο ΣΚΑΝΤΖΌΧΟΙΡΟΣ | The Porcupine. Athens: Ekdoseis Psychogios, 1993. Pp. 143 + [1]. 20.8 x 13.1 cm. Translated by Demosthenes Kourtovik  [ΔΗΜΟΣΘΕΝΗΣ ΚΟΥΡΤΟΒΙΚ]. ISBN: 9602740477. (Greek).

El puercoespín | The Porcupine (Editorial Anagrama, 1994; Spanish)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. El puercoespín | The Porcupine. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 1994. Pp. 174 + [2]. 20 x 14 cm. Translated by Francisco Javier Calzada. ISBN: 8433906429. (Spanish).

Pulse | Limited Edition (Jonathan Cape, 2011)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Pulse. London: Jonathan Cape, 2011. Pp. 228 + [4]. 22.2 x 14.3 cm. Case measures: 23 x 15 cm.

Bound in illustrated boards with a decorative slip case, this limited edition was signed by the author in an edition of 500 copies. Shown here are both an unopened copy and a copy inscribed by the author “out of series” [Note: The name of the dedicatee has been removed from the image.]

The Best of Frank O’Connor (Alfred A. Knopf, 2009; Everyman’s Library #321)

Notes on this edition: Frank O’Connor. The Best of Frank O’Connor. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2009. Pp. xxxviii, 673 + [1]. 21 x 13.4 cm. ISBN: 9780307269041.

Hardbound in red cloth covers. Edited and with an introduction by Julian Barnes pp. ix-xi. Everyman’s Library #321

This particular example also features a review slip from Alfred A. Knopf. The review slip lists the publication date as 11 June 2009, and the provisional price of $26.95.

Nichts, was man fürchten müsste | Nothing to Be Frightened of (Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 2010; German)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Nichts, was man fürchten müsste | Nothing to Be Frightened of. Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 2010. Pp. 332 [333] + [3]. 21 x 13.4 cm. Translated by Gertraude Krueger. ISBN: 9783462041866. (German).

kui on lõpp | The Sense of an Ending (Varrak, 2013; Estonian)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. kui on lõpp | The Sense of an Ending. Varrak, 2013. Pp. 174 + [2]. 20.6 x 14.8 cm. Translated by Aet Varik. ISBN: 9789985326930. (Estonian).

Puhumalla Paras | Talking It Over (WSOY, 1992; Finnish)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Puhumalla paras. Porvoo · Helsinki · Juva: WSOY, 1992. Pp. 297 [298] + [10]. 20.2 x 13.5 cm. Translated by Kristiina Drews. ISBN: 9510183393. (Finnish).

Note: This specimen’s dust jacket is sun-faded at the spine.

The Porcupine (Picador, 1993)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. The Porcupine. London: Picador, 1993. Pp. 138. 19.7 x 13 cm. ISBN: 033032828x. £4.99.

First U.K. paperback edition with illustration to cover by Tim Jonke.

The Porcupine | Uncorrected Proof (Alfred A. Knopf, 1992)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. The Porcupine. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992. Pp. 139 + [1]. 19 x 12 cm. Uncorrected Proof in sage wraps with black lettering. The statement, ‘THIS IS AN UNCORRECTED PROOF’ on top of upper panel.  Provisional publication date set for 20 November 1992 at a provisional price of $17.00.