Der Lärm der Zeit | The Noise of Time (Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 2017; German)

Notes on this edition: Der Lärm der Zeit | The Noise of Time. Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 2017. Pp. 244 [245] + [11]. 19.3 x 12.1 cm. Translated by Gertraude Krueger. ISBN: 9783462048889. (German).

The copy presented below is an advance copy with the following printed to the title page: “Unverkäufliches, unkorrigiertes Abeitsexemplar Sperrfrist: Bitted nicht vor dem 16.02.2017 besprechen.” The collation differs from the first German edition, excluding the advertisements at the end of the novel: Pp. 244 [245] + [1].

Flobero papūga | Flaubert’s Parrot (baltos lankos, 2011; Lithuanian)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Flobero papūga | Flaubert’s Parrot. Vilnius: baltos lankos, 2011. Pp. 269 + [3]. 22.1 x 15.1 cm. Translated by Nijolė Regina Chijenienė. ISBN: 9789955234760. (Lithuanian).

Before She Met Me (Pavanne/Pan Books, 1983)

Notes on this edition: Before She Met Me. London: Pavanne, 1983. Pp. 174 + [4]. 17.7 x 11 cm.

Published by Pan Books.

Pabaigos jausmas | The Sense of an Ending (baltos lankos, 2013; Lithuanian)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Pabaigos jausmas | The Sense of an Ending. Vilnius: baltos lankos, 2013. Pp. 155 + [5]. 21.7 x 15 cm. Translated by Nijolė Regina Chijenienė. ISBN: 9789955237143. (Lithuanian).

Metroland (Einaudi, 2015; Italian)

Notes on this edition: Metroland. Torino: Einaudi, 2015. Pp. 226 + [2]. 18.2 x 12.2 cm. Translated by Daniela Fargione. ISBN: 9788806150822. (Italian).

A preliminary page states, “L’Arcipelago Einaudi | 217”, as pictured.

Visit Einaudi’s author page for Julian Barnes here:

الاحساس بالنهاية | The Sense of an Ending (Rewayat, 2018; Arabic)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. الاحساس بالنهاية | The Sense of an Ending.  Sharjah: Rewayat, 2018. Pp. 213 + [3]. 19.9 x 13 cm. ISBN: 9789948101079. (Arabic).

The promotional sticker affixed to the cellophane is orange in color, as pictured in the close-up photo.

Het enige verhaal | The Only Story (Uitgeverij Atlas Contact, 2018; Dutch)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Het enige verhaal | The Only Story. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Atlas Contact, 2018. Pp. 279 [280]. 21.4 x 14 cm. Translated by Ronald Vlek. ISBN: 9789025452087. (Dutch).

終わりの感覚 | The Sense of an Ending (Shinchosha, 2012; Japanese)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. 終わりの感覚 | The Sense of an Ending.  Tokyo: Shinchosha, 2012. Pp. 188 + [8]. 19.3 x 13 cm. Translated by 土屋政雄 [Masao Tsuchiya]. ISBN: 9784105900991. (Japanese).

Una historia del mundo en diez capítulos y medio | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters (Anagrama, 1990; Spanish)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Una historia del mundo en diez capítulos y medio | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 1990. Pp. 359 + [9]. 22 x 14 cm. Translated by Maribel de Juan. ISBN: 8433911279.

Promotional band pictured from the specimen copy in Julian Barnes’s personal collection.

Når noget slutter | The Sense of an Ending (Tiderne Skifter, 2011; Danish)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Når noget slutter | The Sense of an Ending. Copenhagen: Tiderne Skifter, 2011. Pp. 167 + [1]. 21 x 13 cm. Translated by Claus Bech. ISBN: 9788779734944. (Danish).

Below is the first edition with a second state dust jacket announcing Julian Barnes as the winner of the 2011 Man Booker Prize.