Metroland (Haffmans, 1989; German)

Notes on this edition: Metroland. Zürich: Haffmans, 1989. Pp. 231 [232]. 18.4 x 11.2 cm. Translated by Gertraude Krueger. ISBN: 3251001434. (German).

Flauberts Papagei | Flaubert’s Parrot (Haffmans, 1993; German)

Notes on this edition: Flauberts Papagei | Flaubert’s Parrot. Zürich: Haffmans, 1993. Pp. 277 [278] + [10]. 18.4 x 11.2 cm. Translated by Michael Walter. ISBN: 3251300148. (German).

Eine Geschichte der Welt in 10½ Kapiteln | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters (Haffmans Verlag, 1990; German; Promotional Excerpt)

Notes on this edition: Eine Geschichte der Welt in 10½ Kapiteln | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters. Zürich: Haffmans Verlag, 1990. Pp. 103 [104]. 21.5 x 13.2 cm. Translated by Gertraude Krueger. ISBN: 3251001620. (German).

Paperback, promotional excerpt from the novel. Published the same year as the first German hardback (1990), this exemplar does not reprint the entire text, but has the same ISBN.

Eine Geschichte der Welt in 10½ Kapiteln | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters (Haffmans, 1992; German)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Eine Geschichte der Welt in 10½ Kapiteln | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters. Zürich: Haffmans, 1992. Pp. 363 [364] + [2]. 18.5 x 11.2 cm. Translated by Gertraude Krueger. ISBN: 3251001965. (German).

This edition slightly smaller in format than the first Haffmans edition of 1990, which measures 21.9 x 14 cm.

Die Duffy-Krimis | Omnibus Edition (Haffmans, 1995; German)

Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. Die Duffy-Krimis. Zürich: Haffmans, 1995. Pp. 712 [713] + [7]. 21.5 x 13.1 cm. ISBN: 3251002821. (German).

German omnibus edition of Julian Barnes’s pseudonymous crime novels written as Dan Kavanagh. The novels included are:

Duffy — translated by Willi Winkler
Schieber-City — translated by Michael Bodmer (Note: The first German publication lists the translator as Michel Bodmer)
Abblocken — translated by Verena Schröder
Vor die Hunde gehen — translated by Willi Winkler

Abblocken | Putting the Boot In (Haffmans, 1992; German)

Notes on this edition: Abblocken | Putting the Boot In. Zürich: Haffmans, 1992. Pp. 233 [234] + [6]. 18 x 10.8 cm. Translated by Verena Schröder. ISBN: 3251011715. (German).

Haffmans TaschenBuch 171, published in July 1992.

Eine Geschichte der Welt in 10½ Kapiteln | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters (Haffmans Verlag, 1990; German)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Eine geschichte der welt in 10½ kapiteln | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters. Zürich: Haffmans Verlag, 1990. Pp. 363 [364] + [2]. 21.9 x 14 cm. Translated by Gertraude Krueger. ISBN: 3251001620. (German). 

Das Wörterbuch der übernommenen Ideen (Haffmans Verlag, 1987; Nachwort by Julian Barnes)

Notes on this edition: Gustave Flaubert. Das Wörterbuch der übernommenen Ideen | The Dictionary of Accepted Ideas. Zürich: Haffmans Verlag, 1987. Pp. 125. 17 cm. ISBN: 3251000993. (German).

Includes an afterwards (“nachwort”) by Julian Barnes on pages 111-121. Michael Walter translates Barnes’s essay.

Dover – Calais | Cross Channel (Haffmans, 1996; German)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Dover-Calais | Cross Channel. Zürich: Haffmans Verlag, 1997. Pp. 271 [272]. 18.4 x 11.4 cm Translated by Gertraude Krueger. ISBN: 3251003283. (German).

Briefe aus London, 1990-1995 | Letters from London (Haffmans Verlag, 1995; German)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Briefe aus London, 1990-1995 | Letters from London. Zürich: Haffmans Verlag, 1995. Pp. 376 [377] + [7]. 22 x 14 cm. Translated by Gertraude Krueger and Robin Cackett. ISBN: 3251003003. (German).