Floreat Magdalena (Issue 14, 2015)

Notes on this item: Julian Barnes. Floreat Magdalena: The Magazine for Magdalen Members, Issue 14, 2015. Pp. 3.

Julian Barnes was one of several authors asked to contribute words about a single book that “Changed My Life”. He lists several authors of influence, including Kingsley Amis, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa’s The Leopard, Mikhail Lermontov’s A Hero of Our Time, Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, Ford Madox Ford’s The Good Soldier, Byron’s Don Juan, Arthur Hugh Clough’s Amours de Voyage, and Cervantes’ Don Quixote.

Der Rabe No. 47 (Haffmans, 1996; German)

Notes on this edition: 

Julian Barnes. “Verbindungswewe,” “Dirty Story: Die Entstehung der Madame Bovary” & “Allseits akzeptierte Ansichten.” Der Rabe: Magazin fur jede , No. 47, Zürich: Haffmans Verlag, 1996. Pp. 253 + [3]. 17.9 x 10.8 cm. ISBN: 3251100475.

Julian Barnes contributes three works to this issue of Der Rabe, also known as “Der Flaubert-Rabe.”

“Verbindungswewe” (pp. [107]-125; translated by Gertraude Krueger)

“Dirty Story: Die Entstehung der Madame Bovary” (pp. [144]-149; translated from the English by Volker Kriegel)

“Allseits akzeptierte Ansichten.” (pp. [200]-204;  translated by Michael Walter and Volker Kriegel)

Soho Square III | “Dirty Story: The Making of Madame Bovary” (Bloomsbury, 1990)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. “Dirty Story: The Making of Madame Bovary” Soho Square III. Edited by Alberto Manguel. London: Bloomsbury, 1990. Pp. 287 + [1]. ISBN: 0747507163.

Julian Barnes’s contribution appears on pp. 62-65.

Writers at the Movies (Perennial, 2000)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. “Book into Film: Chabrol’s Madame Bovary.” Writers at the Movies: Twenty-Six Contemporary Authors Celebrate Twenty-Six Memorable Movies. Edited by Jim Shepard. New York: Perennial, 2000. Pp. 277 + [1].23.1 x 15.5 cm. ISBN: 0060954914.