Notes on this edition: Pulsacions | Pulse. Barcelona: Angle Editorial, 2011. Pp. 268 [269] + [3]. 23 cm. Translated by Alexandre Gombau i Arnau. ISBN: 9788415002802. (Catalan).
Category: Pulse
Nabız | Pulse (Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2012; Turkish)
Notes on this edition: Nabız | Pulse. Istanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2012. Pp. 234 + [6]. 19.5 x 13 cm. Translated by Serdar Rifat Kırkoğlu. ISBN: 9789755396637. (Turkish).
Пулс | Pulse (Obsidian, 2011; Bulgarian)
Notes on this edition: Пулс | Pulse. Sofia: Obsidian, 2011. Pp. 269 [270] + [2]. 20 x 13 cm. Translated by Любомир Николов [Ljubomir Nikolov]. ISBN: 9789547692565. (Bulgarian).
Pulse | Limited Edition (Jonathan Cape, 2011)
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Pulse. London: Jonathan Cape, 2011. Pp. 228 + [4]. 22.2 x 14.3 cm. Case measures: 23 x 15 cm.
Bound in illustrated boards with a decorative slip case, this limited edition was signed by the author in an edition of 500 copies. Shown here are both an unopened copy and a copy inscribed by the author “out of series” [Note: The name of the dedicatee has been removed from the image.]
Unbefugtes Betreten | Pulse (Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 2012; German)
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Unbefugtes Betreten | Pulse. Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 2012. Pp. 291 [292] + [12]. 20.9 x 13 cm. Translated by Gertraude Krueger and Thomas Bodmer. ISBN: 9783462044805. (German).
脉搏 | Pulse (译林出版社 | Yilin Press, 2015; Chinese)
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes [朱利安·巴恩斯]. 脉搏 | Pulse. Nanjing: 译林出版社 | Yilin Press, 2015. Pp. 274 + [2]. 20.8 x 14.5 cm. Translated by 郭国良. ISBN: 9787544742566. (Chinese).
Pulse (Vintage Books, 2011)
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Pulse. London: Vintage Books, 2011. Pp. 228 + [4]. 19.7 x 12.6 cm. ISBN: 9780099552475.
Stories included: East Wind | At Phil & Joanna’s 1: 60/40 | Sleeping with John Updike | At Phil & Joanna’s 2: Marmalade | Gardeners’ World | At Phil & Joanna’s 3: Look, No Hands | Trespass | At Phil & Joanna’s 4: One in Five | Marriage Lines | The Limner | Complicity | Harmony | Carcassonne | Pulse
Polsslag | Pulse (Uitgeverij Atlas, 2011; Dutch)
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Polsslag | Pulse. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Atlas, 2011. Pp. 252 [253] + [3]. 21 x 13.4 cm. Translated by Ronald Vlek. ISBN: 9789045018607. (Dutch).
Visit the Atlas website:
Pulse | Final Uncorrected Proof (Jonathan Cape, 2010)
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Pulse. London: Jonathan Cape, 2010. Pp. 228 + [6]. 21 x 14.8 cm.
Final Uncorrected Proof with lengthy inscription by Julian Barnes stating: “the first proof run to be bound up was suppressed because of authorial complaint at the myriad errors. A very few of the final (or near-final) corrected proofs were later bound up, of which this is one”.
Note: The inscription has been edited to remove part of the personalized dedication.
Pulse | Uncorrected Proof (Jonathan Cape, 2010; Pulped edition)
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Pulse. London: Jonathan Cape, 2010. Pp. 228 + [4]. 21.6 x 13.4 cm.
First Uncorrected Proof in decorative covers. When Jonathan Cape produced the uncorrected proof of Pulse, the text included enough errors that Julian Barnes asked the publisher to “pulp” or destroy the proof edition. Cape produced a subsequent, corrected and unbound proof for use within the publishing house and by the author while making his final revisions to the text. The author and publisher spared the specimen featured here specifically for inclusion in the Julian Barnes bibliography.