Notes on this edition: In de vernieling | Going to the Dogs. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij de Arbeiderspers, 1988. Pp. 224. 20 x 11.5 cm. Translated by Harry Pallemans. ISBN: 9029525061. (Dutch).
Category: Going to the Dogs
Going to the Dogs (Orion Books, 2015; Paperback)
Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. Going to the Dogs. London: Orion Books, 2015. Pp. 229 + [1]. 19.8 x 12.9 cm. ISBN: 9781409150275.
Orion Books republished all four Dan Kavanagh novels in hardback and paperback. This is the Orion paperback edition of the fourth Kavanagh novel Going to the Dogs, originally published by Viking (1987).
Vor die Hunde gehen | Going to the Dogs (Haffmans Verlag, 1989; German)
Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. Vor die Hunde gehen | Going to the Dogs. Zürich: Haffmans Verlag, 1989. Pp. 268 [269] + [3]. 18 x 10.8 cm. Translated by Willi Winkler. ISBN: 3251010360. (German).
The Duffy Omnibus (Penguin, 1991)
Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. The Duffy Omnibus. London: Penguin, 1991. Pp. 740 + [6]. 19.7 x 12.7 cm. ISBN: 9780140158243
Includes all four Dan Kavanagh novels: Duffy, Fiddle City, Putting the Boot In, Going to the Dogs.
Tout fout le camp! | Going to the Dogs (Actes Sud, 1991; French)
Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. Tout fout le camp! | Going to the Dogs. Arles: Actes Sud, 1991. Pp. 344 [345] + [3]. 19 x 9.9 cm. Translated by Christine Le Bœuf. ISBN: 2868697437. (French).
French translation of Dan Kavanagh’s fourth crime novel Going to the Dogs. Bottom front cover states “Collection Polar Sud”.
Çulsuzlar | Going to the Dogs (Ayrinti Yayinlari, 2002; Turkish)
Notes on this edition: Çulsuzlar | Going to the Dogs. Istanbul: Ayrıntı Yayinlari, 2002. Pp. 220. Translated by Serdar Rifat Kıroğlu. (Turkish).
Tout fout le camp! | Going to the Dogs (Actes Sud, 1994; French)
Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. Tout fout le camp! Arles: Actes Sud, 1994. Pp. 216 [217] + [7]. 18 x 10.8 cm. Translated by Christine le Bœuf. ISBN: 2020198592. (French).
The French translation of Dan Kavanagh’s forth (and final) crime novel Going to the Dogs features a plot-appropriate illustration to the front cover. Of special interest is the silhouetted figure on the back cover of the author wearing a fedora, cigarette in mouth, typing at a manual typewriter. He also appears to be wearing glasses, which would be unusual, as neither photograph of the author on his official website shows him wearing spectacles.