Duffy (Ullstein, 2008; German)

Notes on this edition: Duffy. Berlin: Ullstein, 2008. Pp. 238 [239] + [1]. 18.8 x 12 cm. Translated by Willi Winkler. ISBN: 9783548264912. (German).

The first printing by Ullstein appeared in 1981.

Duffy (Ullstein Krimi, 1981; German)

Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. Duffy. Berlin: Ullstein Krimi, 1981. Pp. 156 + [4]. 17.8 x 11.6 cm. Translated by Bernd Jost. ISBN: 3548101313. (German).

German translated of Duffy by Dan Kavanagh. Published in December 1981, this is number 10131 in the Ullstein Krimi series of paperback thrillers.

Airportratten | Fiddle City (Ullstein Krimi, 1983; German)

Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. Airportratten | Fiddle City. Berlin: Ullstein Krimi, 1983. Pp. 157 + [3]. 17.8 x 11.6 cm. Translated by Bernd Jost. ISBN: 3548101852. (German).

German translated of Fiddle City by Dan Kavanagh. Published in February 1983, this is number 10185 in the Ullstein Krimi series of paperback thrillers.

Grobes Foul | Putting the Boot In (Ullstein Krimi, 1987; German)

Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. Grobes Foul | Putting the Boot In. Frankfurt: Ullstein Krimi, 1987. Pp. 156 [157] + [3]. 17.8 x 11.7 cm. Translated by Verena Schröder. ISBN: 3-548-10483-5 (German).