“A Self-Possessed Woman” | The Times Anthology of Ghost Stories (Corgi Books, 1977)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. “A Self-Possessed Woman.” The Times Anthology of Ghost Stories. London: Corgi Books, 1977. Pp. 189 [190] + [2]. 17.8 x 11.1 cm. ISBN: 0552104744.

Julian Barnes’s short story appears on pp. 129-145.

First paperback edition of this anthology. The back cover lists the sales price for UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. The Australian price of $2.00 is the “RECOMMENDED PRICE ONLY”, and the front cover features a price sticker of $2.50, thus suggesting the origin of sale within that country.

The book was first published by in hardback with dark green dust jacket (Jonathan Cape, 1975). Both editions published prior to Barnes’s first novel Metroland (Jonathan Cape, 1980). A German translation of this anthology also appeared in paperback (Bastei Lübbe, 1979).