Love, etc. | Uncorrected Proof (Knopf, 2001; Red Cover)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Love, etc. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001. Pp. 224 + [8]. 21.2 x 14.4 cm.

Uncorrected Proof in red wraps with black lettering. Publication information and the statement, ‘THIS IS AN UNCORRECTED PROOF’ on bottom of upper panel. Title listed as, ‘Love, Etc.’ [full stop]. 

Alfred A. Knopf published two editions of the uncorrected proof for Julian Barnes’s novel Love, etc. The first proof was bound in red wraps, as pictured above, and appears to have been limited in its distribution. The more commonly distributed uncorrected proof features a paper cover that reproduces the colors and layout of the final hardback edition.