The Lemon Table (Jonathan Cape, 2004)

Notes on this edition: First editionLondon: Jonathan Cape, 2004. £16.99.

Descriptive Bibliography:

Title Page: THE | LEMON TABLE | Julian Barnes | [Jonathan Cape device] | JONATHAN CAPE | LONDON

Copyright Page: Published by Jonathan Cape 2004 | 2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1 | Copyright © Julian Barnes 2004 | Julian Barnes has asserted his right under the Copyright, | Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work | This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of | trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the | publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in | which it is published and without a similar condition including this | condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser | First published in Great Britain in 2004 by | Jonathan Cape | Random House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, | London SW1V 2SA | Random House Australia (Pty) Limited | 20 Alfred Street, Milsons Point, Sydney, | New South Wales 2061, Australia | Random House New Zealand Limited | 18 Poland Road, Glenfield, | Auckland 10, New Zealand | Random House South Africa (Pty) Limited | Endulini, 5A Jubilee Road, Parktown 2193, South Africa | The Random House Group Limited Reg. No. 954009 | A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library | ISBN 0-224-07198-X | Papers used by Random House are natural, recyclable products made from | wood grown in sustainable forests; the manufacturing processes conform | to the environmental regulations of the country of origin | Typeset by Palimpsest Book Production Limited | Polmont, Stirlingshire | Printed and bound in Great Britain by | Mackays of Chatham plc, Chatham, Kent

Collation: 21.6 x 13.7 cm. Pp. [i-viii, 1-2] 3-22 [23-24] 25-48 [49-50] 51-65 [66-68] 69-83 [84-86] 87-101 [102-104] 105-120 [121-122] 123-136 [137-138] 139-158 [159-160] 161-173 [174-176] 177-199 [200-202] 203-213 [214-216]. [i]: ‘THE LEMON TABLE’. [ii]: ‘by the same author | fiction | METROLAND | BEFORE SHE MET ME | FLAUBERT’S PARROT | STARING AT THE SUN | A HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 10½ CHAPTERS | TALKING IT OVER | THE PORCUPINE | CROSS CHANNEL | ENGLAND, ENGLAND | LOVE, ETC | non-fiction | LETTERS FROM LONDON 1990–1995 | SOMETHING TO DECLARE | THE PEDANT IN THE KITCHEN | translation | IN THE LAND OF PAIN by Alphonse Daudet’. [iii]: title page. [iv]: copyright page. [v]: ‘to Pat’. [vi]: blank. [vii]: contents. [vi]: blank. [1]: ‘A | SHORT HISTORY | OF | HAIRDRESSING’. [2]: blank. 3-22: text. [23]: ‘THE STORY | OF | MATS ISRAELSON’. [24]: blank. 25-48: text. [49]: ‘THE THINGS YOU KNOW’. [50]: blank. 51-65: text. [66]: blank. [67]: ‘HYGIENE’. [68]: blank. 69-83: text. [84]: blank. [85]: ‘THE REVIVAL’. [86]: blank. 87-101: text. [102]: blank. [103]: ‘VIGILANCE’. [104]: blank. 105-120: text. [121]: ‘BARK’. [122]: blank. 123-136: text. [137]: ‘KNOWING FRENCH’. [138]: blank. 139-158: text. [159]: ‘APPETITE’. [160]: blank. 161-173: text. [174]: blank. [175]: ‘THE FRUIT CAGE’. [176]: blank. 177-199: text. [200]: blank. [201]: ‘THE SILENCE’. [202]: blank. 203-213: text. [214-216]: blank.

General description: Binding 22.3 x 14.5 cm. Brown boards, gold blocked on spine. Gold endpapers. Colored dust jacket lettered in white, deep yellow, and orange. Features ‘Lemon (no.2)’ by Neal Brown on both upper and lower panels. Flaps are white with black lettering. Author photograph by Jillian Edelstein on back flap.