顔役を擊て | Duffy (Hayakawa Shobō, 1981; Japanese)

Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. 顔役を擊て (Kaoyaku o utte) | Duffy. Tokyo: Hayakawa Shobō, 1981. Pp. 169 + [7]. 18.3 x 10.6 cm. Translated by Yoshinobu Tamura. (Japanese).

Hayakawa Shobō published this Japanese translation of Duffy, Julian Barnes’s first novel using the pseudonym “Dan Kavanagh”, the year after its English publication by Jonathan Cape in 1980. Published as a paperback issued in publisher’s protective plastic cover. 

愚か者の街 | Fiddle City (Hayakawa, 1982; Japanese)

Notes on this edition: Dan Kavanagh. 愚か者の街 (Orokasha no machi) | Fiddle City. Tokyo: Hayakawa Publishing, 1982. Pp. 165 + [3]. 18.3 x 10.5 cm. Translated by Yoshinobu Tamura. 

Hayakawa published this Japanese translation as part of their “Pocket Mystery” series the year after the first U.K. edition of Fiddle City. The paperback covers of the book are wrapped in a transparent plastic, as pictured.