Notes on this edition: Una storia del mondo in 10 capitoli e ½ | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters. Milan: Rizzoli, 1990. Pp. 358 [359] + [9]. 22.3 x 14.5 cm. Translated by Riccardo Mainardi. ISBN: 8817671126. (Italian).
Tag: Riccardo Mainardi
Il porcospino | The Porcupine (Rizzoli, 1993; Italian)
Notes on this edition: Il porcospino | The Porcupine. Milan: Rizzoli, 1993. Pp. 153 [154]. 22.2 x 14 cm. Translated by Riccardo Mainardi. ISBN: 8817671134. (Italian).
Amore, ecc. | Talking It Over (Einaudi, 2013; Italian)
Notes on this edition: Amore, ecc. | Talking It Over. Torino: Einaudi, 2013. Pp. 262 + [6]. 20.8 x 13.5 cm. Translated by Riccardo Mainardi. ISBN: 9788806217464. (Italian).
The title translates as Love, etc., which some foreign publishers adopted for their translations of Talking It Over. The sequel Love, etc. was translated as Amore, dieci anni dopo (Einaudi, 2014).
Visit Einaudi’s author page for Julian Barnes here:
Il pappagallo di Flaubert | Flaubert’s Parrot (Rizzoli, 1987; Italian)
Notes on this edition: Il pappagallo di Flaubert | Flaubert’s Parrot. Milano: Rizzoli, 1987. Pp. 271 [272] + [8]. 22.3 x 14.3 cm. Translated by Riccardo Mainardi. ISBN: 881767110x. (Italian).
Una storia del mondo in dieci capitoli e ½ | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters (Einaudi, 2013; Italian)
Notes on this edition: Una storia del mondo in dieci capitoli e ½ | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters. Torino: Einaudi, 2013. Pp. 341 + [5]. 20.8 x 13.3 cm. Translated by Riccardo Mainardi. ISBN: 9788806217280. (Italian).
Part of the “Super ET” series.
Visit Einaudi’s author page for Julian Barnes here:
Amore, ecc. | Talking It Over (Einaudi, 1998; Italian)
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Amore, ecc. | Talking It Over. Torino: Einaudi, 1998. Pp. 266 + [18]. 19.4 x 11.9 cm. Translated by Riccardo Mainardi. ISBN: 9788806143053. (Italian).
Stated to the copyright page: “Questo volume è apparso nel 1992 presso l’editore Rizzoli con il titolo Parliamone. [This volume appeared in 1992 by the publisher Rizzoli under the title Parliamone.] This edition is also marked as “Einaudi Tascabili. Letteratura 568”.
Cover features art by George Underwood.
Visit Einaudi’s author page for Julian Barnes here:
Una storia del mondo in 10 capitoli e ½ | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters (Einaudi, 1997; Italian)
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Una storia del mondo in 10 capitoli e ½ | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters. Torino: Einaudi, 1997. Pp. 347 [348] + [14]. 19.4 x 12 cm. Translated by Riccardo Mainardi. ISBN: 8806143107. (Italian).
Paperback edition of the Italian translation of Julian Barnes’s A History of the World in 10½ Chapters. Part of the Einaudi Tascabili series (#439).
Visit Einaudi’s author page for Julian Barnes here:
Upstream! / Controcorrente (Gruppo editoriale L’Espresso, 2008; English / Italian)
Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Upstream! / Controcorrente. Rome: La Biblioteca di Repubblica – L’Espresso, 2008. Pp. 95 + [1]. 17.9 x 13.5 cm. Translated by Riccardo Mainardi. (Dual Language edition in English & Italian).
This book is #10 in a series of dual language publications that print the English and Italian translation side-by-side. Excerpts the chapter “Upstream!” from Julian Barnes’s A History of the World in 10½ Chapters along with Riccardo Mainardi’s translation for the Giulio Einaudi edition of the novel originally published in 1997.