Prima di me | Before She Met Me (Einaudi, 2017; Italian)

Notes on this edition: Prima di me | Before She Met Me. Torino: Einaudi, 2017. Pp. 191 + [3]. 22.2 x 14.0 cm. Translated by Daniela Fargione. ISBN: 9788806221768. (Italian).

Visit Einaudi’s author page for Julian Barnes here:

England, England (Einaudi, 2000; Italian)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. England, England. Torino: Einaudi, 2000. Pp. 291 + [9]. 22.2 x 14.2 cm. Translated by Susanna Basso. ISBN: 8806151266. (Italian).

Visit Einaudi’s author page for Julian Barnes here:



Oltremanica | Cross Channel (Einaudi, 1997; Italian)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Oltremanica | Cross ChannelTorino: Einaudi, 1997. Pp. 192 + [4]. 22.2 x 14.1 cm. Translated by Susanna Basso. ISBN: 9788806141585. (Italian).

Visit Einaudi’s author page for Julian Barnes here:


Amore, ecc. | Talking It Over (Einaudi, 1998; Italian)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Amore, ecc. | Talking It Over. Torino: Einaudi, 1998. Pp. 266 + [18]. 19.4 x 11.9 cm. Translated by Riccardo Mainardi. ISBN: 9788806143053. (Italian).

Stated to the copyright page: “Questo volume è apparso nel 1992 presso l’editore Rizzoli con il titolo Parliamone. [This volume appeared in 1992 by the publisher Rizzoli under the title Parliamone.] This edition is also marked as “Einaudi Tascabili. Letteratura 568”.

Cover features art by George Underwood.

Visit Einaudi’s author page for Julian Barnes here:

Il rumore del tempo | The Noise of Time (Einaudi, 2016; Italian)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Il rumore del tempo | The Noise of Time. Turin: Einaudi, 2016. Pp. 191 + [3]. 22.1 x 14 cm. Translated by Susanna Basso. ISBN: 9788806230876. (Italian).

Visit Einaudi’s author page for Julian Barnes here:

Il senso di una fine | The Sense of an Ending (Einaudi, 2012; Italian)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Il senso di una fine | The Sense of an Ending. Torino: Einaudi, 2012. Pp. 150 + [6]. 22.1 x 14.1 cm. Translated by Susanna Basso. ISBN: 9788806211561. (Italian).

Visit Einaudi’s author page for Julian Barnes here: 

Una storia del mondo in 10 capitoli e ½ | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters (Einaudi, 1997; Italian)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Una storia del mondo in 10 capitoli e ½ | A History of the World in 10½ Chapters. Torino: Einaudi, 1997. Pp. 347 [348] + [14]. 19.4 x 12 cm. Translated by Riccardo Mainardi. ISBN: 8806143107. (Italian).

Paperback edition of the Italian translation of Julian Barnes’s A History of the World in 10½ Chapters. Part of the Einaudi Tascabili series (#439).

Visit Einaudi’s author page for Julian Barnes here:

Upstream! / Controcorrente (Gruppo editoriale L’Espresso, 2008; English / Italian)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Upstream! / Controcorrente. Rome: La Biblioteca di Repubblica – L’Espresso, 2008. Pp. 95 + [1]. 17.9 x 13.5 cm. Translated by Riccardo Mainardi. (Dual Language edition in English & Italian).

This book is #10 in a series of dual language publications that print the English and Italian translation side-by-side. Excerpts the chapter “Upstream!” from Julian Barnes’s A History of the World in 10½ Chapters along with Riccardo Mainardi’s translation for the Giulio Einaudi edition of the novel originally published in 1997.