Conversaciones con Aristóteles by Jonathan Barnes (Ediciones Oniro, 2008; Spanish)

Notes on this edition: Barnes, Jonathan. Conversaciones con Aristóteles. Barcelona: Ediciones Oniro, 2008. Translated by Gemma Gallart. 171 p. 15 cm. ISBN: 9788497543439. Foreword by Julian Barnes (pp. 9-13).

The Spanish edition of Jonathan Barnes’s fictional conversation with Aristotle includes a translation of Julian Barnes’s foreword included in the English edition.

Auf einen Kaffee mit Aristoteles by Jonathan Barnes (Deutscher Taschenbuch, 2010; German)

Notes on this edition: Barnes, Jonathan. Auf einen Kaffee mit Aristoteles. (Deutscher Taschenbuch, 2010). Translated by Mara-Daria Cojocaru. 124 p. 14 cm. ISBN: 9783423345927. Foreword by Julian Barnes (pp. 7-10).

The German edition of Jonathan Barnes’s fictional conversation with Aristotle includes a translation of Julian Barnes’s foreword included in the English edition.

Coffee with Aristotle by Jonathan Barnes (Duncan Baird, 2008; Foreword)

Notes on this edition: Barnes, Jonathan. Coffee with Aristotle. London: Duncan Baird, 2008. 144 p. 15 cm. ISBN: 9781844836109; Foreword by Julian Barnes  (pp. 6-9).

The Coffee with … series features fictional conversations between noted scholars and the subjects of their studies — authors, philosophers, artists, etc. Aristotle scholar Jonathan Barnes authored this edition, and his brother Julian Barnes wrote the introduction. At the end of the introduction, the publisher has included a facsimile signature of the author, as pictured.