Notes on this edition: First Canadian edition – Canada: Random House Canada, 2000. $32.95.
Descriptive Bibliography:
Title Page: Love, etc | JULIAN BARNES | [Random House device] | RANDOM HOUSE CANADA
Copyright Page: Copyright © 2000 Julian Barnes | All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright | Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any | electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval | systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a | reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review. Published in | Canada in 2000 by Random House Canada, a division of | Random House of Canada Limited, and simultaneously in | Great Britain by Jonathan Cape | Random House Canada and colophon are trademarks | Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data | Barnes, Julian | Love, etc. | ISBN 0-679-31083-5 | 1. Title | PR6052. A6657L68 2000 823’.914 COO-931154-8 | Papers used by The Random House Group Limited are natural, | recyclable products made from wood grown in sustainable forests; | the manufacturing processes conform to the environmental | regulations of the country of origin. | Typeset in Deltatype Ltd, Birkenhead, Merseyside | Printed and bound in Great Britain by | Mackays of Chatham PLC | 2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3 1
Collation: 21.6 x 13.7 cm. Pp. [i-vi] 1-249 [250]. [i]: ‘Love, etc’. [ii]: ‘by the same author | METROLAND | BEFORE SHE MET ME | FLAUBERT’S PARROT | STARING AT THE SUN | A HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 10½ CHAPTERS | TALKING IT OVER | THE PORCUPINE | LETTERS FROM LONDON 1990–1995 | CROSS CHANNEL | ENGLAND, ENGLAND’. [iii]: title page. [iv]: copyright page. [v]: ‘to Pat’. [vi]: blank. 1-[250]: text.
General description: Nearly identical to the first U.K. edition, but with slight alteration to dust jacket text on back flap. Binding 22.2 x 14.5 cm. Black boards, gold blocked on spine. Burgundy end pages. White dust jacket lettered in grey, red, and black. Color image of three shoes to upper panel and two shoes to lower panel. Jacket photograph by Ashley Rudolph. Author photograph by Jillian Edelstein on back flap. Title listed as ‘Love, etc’ [no full stop].