The Porcupine (Vintage International, 1993; Canadian Edition)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. The Porcupine. Toronto: Vintage International, 1993. Pp.138 + [8]. 20.2 x 13.1 cm. ISBN: 9780394223308. $12.50.

Stated to copyright page: “FIRST VINTAGE INTERNATIONAL EDITION, OCTOBER 1993”. This particular edition was published by Vintage Books, a division of Random House Canada. Blurb to front cover from the The Toronto Star.

England, England (Vintage Canada, 1999)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. England, England. Toronto: Vintage Canada, 1999. Pp. 266. 20.2 x 13.1 cm. ISBN: 9780679309970.

Stated “First Canadian Edition” to the copyright page. The publication date for this edition is not clearly listed, though the “Cataloguing in Publication Data” suggests the year as 1999.

Arthur & George | Re-jacketed (Vintage Books, 2012)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. Arthur & George. London: Vintage Books, 2012. Pp. 505 + [1]. 19.3 x 12.8 cm. ISBN: 9780099492733.

Vintage issued the paperback edition of Julian Barnes’s Arthur & George with an updated cover following the success of Barnes’s novel The Sense of an Ending in 2011. The cover lettering echoes the lettering on the jacket of the Jonathan Cape edition of the Man Booker Prize winning novel. Both covers were designed by Suzanne Dean. The edition pictured is a eleventh printing with the number sequence on the copyright page: “12 14 16 18 20 19 17 15 13 11”.

The Sense of an Ending | Uncorrected Proof (Jonathan Cape, 2011)

Notes on this edition: Julian Barnes. The Sense of an Ending. London: Jonathan Cape, 2011. Pp. 150 + [4]. 19.9 x 12.9 cm. Proof ISBN: 9780224096126.

Uncorrected proof in paper covers with ruled paper imagery. “The Sense of | an Ending” in dark red lettering and “Julian | Barnes | WINNER OF THE DAVID COHEN PRIZE FOR LITERATURE 2011” in black near the bottom of the front cover. Proof ISBN stated to back cover: 9780224096126